chapter eleven

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Bonnie's pov
August 23rd 2021
Memories of London

I check if the address Tommy sent me is correct one more time before knocking on the door. "...We're still talking about this..." the door swings open to reveal a wide eyed Wilbur, "uh- h-hey Bon" He places a hand on the back of his neck, I sigh as he let's me in. I sit down next to Tommy, I didn't know who Jack was but I knew George from Dream's manhunts.

"So...sorry again"

"Tommy this isn't your business" Wilbur shuts the door and crosses his arms.

"You feels like me and gogy should not be a part of this" Jack chuckles and George nods.

"What happened?" I look at everyone but Wilbur.

"Tommy told me that you told him about us knowing each other when we were younger" I nod, "he told his fucking stream and now everyone is assuming we were fucking dating!"

"I...I mean it's not like we weren't..."

"WHAT?!" Tommy turns to me with wide eyes, Wilbur groans and grabs onto his hair.

"Woah, Wilbur dated Bonnie Lewis? You lucky bitch" Jack claps, we all look at him and he quiets down.

"Tommy why the fuck did you invite her?"

"..I am right here.."

"Because you two needed to solve your little fight" Tommy waves his hand around.

"We...we weren't fighting.." Wilbur glances at me before looking down at his feet, "Bon can we talk?" Everyone looks at me as they wait for my answer, I tense my shoulders but nod and stand up.

We walk into what looks like his bedroom, he shuts the door behind us. ""

"I'm sorry for hating your boyfriend so much..." I look back at Wilbur, I immediately look back at the ground.

"It's fine..." I play with my fingers.

"Tommy said he wanted me to show him 'round London and said he had a special guest...I didn't think it'd be you" He nervously chuckles, the room goes quiet. He rocks back and fourth on his heels, he clears his throat. "We should go back before the others think we're making out" I roll my eyes as he opens the door.


We all get onto the train, I sit across from Wilbur and Jack as Tommy sits between me and George. "Are you guys ready for London?" Tommy pans his phone to show all of us, I shake my head.

"London sucks"

Wilbur chuckles, "it really does"

"But it's got lizzie" Tommy frowns, "lizzie is my bae"

We all chuckle, I take out my phone and go to YouTube. "I don't think the queen even knows who you are, unlike my mother! Wait- shit no I said that wrong, your mother knows me! Because I'm in her bed every night...heh" we all stare at Jack.

"Your jokes shit Jack" Tommy laughs, he then turns the phone to me. "What are you doing?" He zooms in on my phone which had all my subscriptions on youtube.

"I'm cleaning out my youtube subscriptions, stop filming that" I place my hand on the phone and push it down.

"Are you subscribed to me?!" I scroll through my subscriptions.

"Nope, only George"

"Let's go!" George giggles, Tommy huffs.

"That's not true, isn't that Wil's youtube channel?" Tommy points one out, secretly recording.

"Alittlebritofwil?" Wilbur groans and covers his face in embarrassment.

"Please don't watch those videos"

"..mhm....fine but you have to buy me dinner" He uncovers his face and smirks at me.

"Wow didn't even have to ask" the other three start laughing.

"I'm gonna knock that flirty attitude out of you" Wilbur raises his hands in defense.

"Sorry Sunshine, your to cute not to flirt with" I place my phone back in my pocket and turn to the window.

"Please don't flirt through the whole video" Tommy groans, a small smile creeps onto my lips.

"Yeah it will feed the shippers" Jack chuckles.

"Do it, I'm done with DNF" George huffs.

"Wait, you and Dream are breaking up?" Everyone starts laughing, "what?"

"DNF isn't real" George covers his mouth as he laughs, everyone finally calms down.

"Wait- really?" Everyone nods. "I'm sorry George" Wilbur laughs.

"Now my question is, is Bonbur real?" I chew the inside of my cheek when I see Wilbur glance at me.

"I mean it can be" He grins at me, I roll my eyes.

"I still have a boyfriend, I think everyone forgets that"

Could I even call him mine?


Froggies corner


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