chapter two

831 14 10

Bonnie's pov
July 16th 2021
Girls stream

I stomp into my flat, Cole walking inside after. "This day was bound to come, you both live in Brighton after all" Cole shrugs as he shuts the door.

"I didn't know he lived in Brighton! Last I saw him he lived in London!" I walk into my kitchen, grabbing a water bottle. "..I have a stream with Minx and Niki, if your gonna stay the night tell me" Cole nods as he sits down on the couch.

"I'll probably leave in about an hour" I hum and fill my water bottle before walking to my room, I log into my computer and open discord.

"Bonnie! Hello! Are you ready to start?" I smile as Niki greets me, I nod and turn on my camera.

"Yea-" it seemed to just hit me that William watched these streams, he looked so different from 7 years ago.

"Is something wrong?" I shake my head at minx's question.

"I just ran into my first ex, I haven't seen him in 7 years" I cup my face and sigh.

"Wanna talk about it on the podcast? Or we can cancel and just talk about it in private" I smile at Niki's idea.

"That's actually a perfect topic, past lovers"


"Hey B, you wanna explain to everyone who you met today?" I nod and do tiny rotations in my chair.

"Today I was thinking of what to write next at the Cafe near my flat and my ex boyfriend was there, his friend walked over to me and basically told me that my ex was stalking me. When I realized it was my ex I immediately left, I don't think I could ever forgive him" I shake my head.

"What did that bitch do? I'll beat him up" me and Niki laugh as Minx lifts her fists, "is he watching right now?" She stares into the camera.

"It's fine, it's fine. I think I would forgive him if he wasn't my first boyfriend, all I'm saying is I broke up with him" I hold my hands up in defense, Niki and Minx clap.

"Yeah fuck off bitch, she's mine now!"

Speak of the devil, I glance down at my phone and see a text from William. I scoff. "He just texted me"

"Why do you not have his number blocked?!" Niki has her mouth slightly agape, I smile.

"All of it is drunk texting, he tells me what he's doing. It's funny how he still loves me even though it's his fault I left him" I read the text.

I thnk I to had mach to dirnk ♡
Sent at 20:34 PM

Bon Bon
I just gt home ♡
Sent at 22:02 PM

I'm gona go bed

July 9th 2021

I wanna talk to you again ♡

I miss you ♡

Sent at 13:45 PM

We don't need to talk about anything

This is your fault

You should sit in your puddle of guilt alone and stop drunk texting me.
Sent at 13:46 PM

I added the hearts for you ♡

Please can we just talk? ♡

I can explain myself ♡
Sent at 13:48 PM

I'll think about it
Sent at 13:49 PM

Sent at 13:49 PM

I think I made the worst mistake of my life, after trusting him.

"You still there Bonnie?" I set my phone down.

"Yeah sorry, texting" I adjust my headset and scoot my chair closer.

I couldn't possibly be thinking of this, he hurt me. He broke me...but I would like an explanation of why he did it, I really thought he liked me.

[XXX] park
Sent at 13:53 PM

Got it ♡
Sent at 13:54 PM

I must've gone insane to even think that William could ever explain himself.


LIAR , wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now