chapter six

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Wilbur's pov
July 27th 2021
Your Boyfriend?

I convinced Bonnie to get some fresh air, she had been in her flat for three days trying to figure out what to write. "So where are we going exactly?"

"It's a surprise" I wave my finger in the air as we walk down the pavement to my flat. I glance across the street and see a couple kissing, a blonde haired man and a black haired women. I sigh and glance down at Bonnie, I missed this.

"I hate surprises" she huffs and I smile.

"I know, that's why it's not a big surprise" I look both ways and go to start walking across the street but a loud voice stops me.

"Doll! There you are" I turn around and see the same blonde haired man from earlier.

"Ian! Uh- hi! Where have you been?" Bonnie wraps her arms around him, my eyebrows furrow as he kisses her on the lips. Oh fuck.

"Uh..." Bonnie looks back at me.

"Oh- William this is my boyfriend Ian, Ian this is my...friend William" I felt my heart drop by that one word, boyfriend. I shouldn't be jealous, why was I jealous? No I wasn't jealous.

"Nice to meet you mate" Ian holds out his hand, I grip onto his hand and shake it. This fucking prick, cheating on an absolute angel.

"Well me and William are gonna go hang out-"

"I'll come with you" I stare at Ian in disbelief, "Don't want you cheating on me now do I?" He jokes and rolls his eyes, "a bitch like you would take any chance you get" He crosses his arms and chuckles, I clench my fists and hold them at my sides.

"Uh...yeah, yeah is that alright William?" We both look at each other, her eyes were glossy. My eyes soften when we make eye contact, I chew the inside of my cheek before looking back at the bitch.

"Don't you have another bitch to go back to?" I glare at Ian who just chuckles and tries to play it off.

"Funny jokes, how about we go out to eat Britney?" My eyes widen, I quickly look back down at Bonnie; she had a small smile on her lips.

"It's Bonnie remember?" He nods.

"Yeah yeah, Bonnie. Now are we leaving or not?" He seemed uninterested, I just wanted to punch him in his stupid fucking-

"Oh, well I was still gonna hang out with William" I take a small step closer to her and subtly link my pinky with hers.

"Okay whatever, your never hanging out with me anymore" Ian scoffs and turns away from her, though from my view I could see him smirking.

"No- no I'm sorry, um- how about we all hang out at my place?" Ian flips back around with a happy smile on his face.


She looks up and me and mouths a sorry before we start walking to her flat.

I need to tell her.


"Okay now that you have your popcorn and coke me and William are gonna go to my room and stream okay?" Bonnie holds her own hand, watching him boss her around broke me; I could feel my self breaking just from seeing her do everything just to make him happy.

"Yeah whatever, if I call you you better fucking answer or will you be to busy making out?" Me and Bonnie freeze before Ian burst out laughing, "take a joke bitches"

Bonnie smiles and nods before leading me to her room, once she closes the door behind us I immediately wrap my arms around her. "Why are you doing this to yourself?"

LIAR , wilbur sootWhere stories live. Discover now