Chapter 1

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HELLO JELLYBEANS I'M BACK! As requested here is a continuation of Rose's life. I hope you enjoy this as much as the first one! (Also I know in the new arc something...happens to fairy tail [don't worry no spoilers] but i'm going to pretend that doesn't happen for the sake of the story)

If you haven't read the first one then I suggest you read it first, if you can be bothered, that's fine :P All you have to know is that Rose started off as a baby that as left on Gajeels door step then he went away to tenrou island for 7 years after her first birthday so when he got back she was 8 and knew snow magic taught to her by Eve from Blue Pegasis. Rose was then kidnapped by a dark guild because she had tears of life. While in a cell she met a boy called Akio. Levy and Gajeel went to rescue Rose, Levy died but was brought back to life by Rose's tears and Gaeel and Levy became boyfriend/girlfriend and Akio joined Fairy Tail.

It had been 4 years since Rose had been kidnapped. She was now 12 years old and beautiful. Her dad and Levy had been going out for 4 years as well. She always asked her dad "When will you get married?!" he just rolled his eyes and replied

"None of your buisness". Rose had become quite an expert in snow magic and often trained with her best friend Akio who decided to learn fire magic with the help of Romeo (who was now 17). A lot had happened in those 4 years. The grand magic games was one of them, which was really hectic and also the deal with Michelle and stuff and lots more. Rose was sitting in the guild reading a book that Levy had given her. At the other end of the guild, Natsu, Romeo and Akio where practicing their fire magic against each other. Levy and Gajeel had gone out on a job, so Rose was staying with Lucy, who was staring at Natsu with a dreamy look in her eyes.

"You guys, someone is going to get hurt!" Wendy yelled. She was also 17 (well, tecniquly she is 24 but you get what I mean!) and had developed well in 4 years. She now looked like a proper woman instead of a little girl. Romeo stopped, his purple flames extingwuishing from his hand and his face went bright red. It was no secret that Romeo was practicly in love with Wendy. Everyone knew, except her.

"But Wendy-nii!" Romeo moaned like a little kid "we're having fun!"

"Romeo-kun! You and Natsu-san are setting a bad example for Akio-san!" Wendy told him with a stern look on her face.

"But their helping me train" Akio said quickly. Wendy sighed, knowing she lost the battle. She went to the table she was sitting at and picked up her bag. It was very late. Wendy, Rose, Carla and the boys (including Happy) where the only ones left. Rose had told Lucy she would be home by 10.

"You boys remember to lock up" Wendy said as she headed for the door "and Rose, it's half 9 so you may want to start heading off or Lucy will be worried.

"In a minute Wendy!" Rose said, not looking up from her book. Wendy sighed and left the guild hall, Carla following after her. Rose was really into this book. It was one of Levy's favoruites and she was told to be extra carful that nothing happened to it...

"Fire Dragon Iron First!"

"Blue flame!"

"Purple flame!" The boys all shouted at the same time. The flames went in all different directions.... and they all hit Rose. Rose screamed as she was thrown from her seat at the bar. All the boys froze. Rose sat up and glared at them.

"What the actual hell!" she shouted at them "Wendy told you boys to be careful then you go and bloody hit me!" Rose sighed. She relised Levy's book wasn't in her hands. She looked around on the floor then froze. The book had been burnt into a pile of ashes. Rose began to tear up. "No..." she said in disbeilef. "No, no this can't be happening, Levy is going to kill me, i'm in so much trouble" Tears started to stream down her face "You idiots!!!" she screamed at the boys before running out of the guild, the boys calling her name. Rose ran for what seemed like hours, but was probably only minutes. She began to walk when she was out of breath. She walked slowly down the abandoned street, once in a while hearing a chirp of a cricket or the faint hoot of an owl in the distance. Her sobs filled the streets. She then heard the echos of other footsteps. Out of an allyway walked 3 men. The reeked of alcohol and could not walk straight. They also slured their words. All of these things indicatied that these men where drunk.

"Hey little girl" one of the men slured, the smell of his alcoholic breath lingering in the air "what are you doing out at this time of night"

"You should come home with us" one of the other men said.

"No thank you" Rose said, nerviously backing away. "I should really get home" she backed into the third man.

"You're not going anywhere" he hissed. Rose tried to scream but her thoat wouldn't allow it. She tried to run but her legs where frozen. All she could do was stand. She attempted do use her magic but for some reason it wasn't working. She couldn't summon her blizard. The first guy chuckled evily

"Like my magic block magic?" he sneared. Guy number two then punched her sending her flying to the ground. The three contiuned to punch and kick her. She felt like she was dying, like she was almost dead. Her vision had gone blurry.

"" she managed to squeak. The all of a sudden one of the guys was knocked from her. The other two turned. Rose felt like unconciousness was about to wave over her. She managed to here a voice shout

"....Magic.......Piller" she couldn't make out the words inbetween. The other two where knocked from her sight. She saw the blurred outline of her saviour before she passed out.

Sorry It's short :(

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