Chapter 4

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(Picture is Akio [except he has blue eyes, not red :P ])

OMG JELLYBEANS! I decided to look for a picture of what Akio would look like, and I checked my other story to remind me and apareantly he has the exact same eye and hair colour as Cole :( Big mistake on my behalf BUT DON'T PANIC! I have found a picture and I don't have to change Akio's look! I imagine Akio being more cute and adorable and Cole being more buff ;) ANYWAYZ JELLYBEANS, ON WITH THE STORY'

A normal day' Rose thought as she walked into the guild hall. A week had past and nothing exciting had happened (for herself anyway) 'As usual there is fighting going on and I can't join in. Rose watched the boys (and Erza) brawl in the middle of the guild. She sighed before heading towards the bar and clambering up onto a stool. She placed her elbow on the bar then her head on her hand and watched the fight. She sighed.

"What's wrong sweetie?" Mira asked coming in from the kitchen.

"I wish I could get in there but according to everyone i'm 'to weak' and 'can't handle it'" Rose sighed again "I bet if I was in there I could beat the living day lights out of the lot of them" Mira shook her head and giggled slightly

"Just like your dad" she said smiling. Rose looked around.

"Talking of which, where is my dad"

"Out on another mission with Levy" Rose became curious.

"I wonder why he has been going on so many missions lately?" she thought out loud. Mira shrugged.

"Isn't your birthday coming up" Rose nodded "He probablly want to save up to get you a great birthday present". Rose thought that was a resinable explanation other than him being a main character some where else. When Rose relised she was breaking the fourth wall she stopped thinking about it and continued talking to Mira. Rose then heard the doors to the guild open. She smiled as she saw Akio walk in.

"Hey Akio, wanna battle!" Rose said enthusisticly. Akio shook his head and sighed at Rose with a knowing smile on his face.

"Annoyed everyone else gets to brawl and you don't" he sat down beside Rose. She sighed and nodded.

"I'm not a porcelain doll" she moaned "I could beat up those drunks any day. There are very few people I would not challange to a fight, those people being Erza, Mira, Lauxus, Guildarts and the Master. Everyone else I could beat with one arm behind my back!"

"What about Cole" Akio suggsted slyly. He was a glint in Miras eye as her mouth widened into a grin. Rose glared.

"Epecially that big-headed, idiotic brute" she growled. Mira grinned as the door opened.

"Here's your chance to challange him" she grinned even wider. Rose spun in her chair to see the 'big-headed, idiotic brute' himself walk through the doors She shot him a glare before turning back.

"What's the point, he won't even tak to me when I go to challange him, he just glares and walks away" Akio looked over at Cole, then at Mira who glared at him in a way that said "talk to him now!". Akio gulped and nodded, before turning to Rose.

"Hey I'll talk to him for you" and before Rose could protest, he was alreay walking towards Cole. 'What the HELL have you gotten me into Mira-Jane Struss' he thought. He got to the table and, at first, stood there awkwardly. Cole then turned to him with a confused look.

"Can I help you?" he said in a ruff voice. Akio figured he had better start speaking.

"Hey, Cole right? I haven't had a chance to introduce myself. I'm Akio" Akio introduced imself. Cole looked unamused. Akio continued. "I came over here to ask if you could have a practice battle or something with my friend Rose over there" he gestured his head towards where Rose sat. She keeps harassing me to battle her but she only battles me because she knows she'll always win. She needs to be challanged. So could you maybe, please?" Akio felt stupid. Cole looked over at Rose then gestured for Akio to sit down. He was hesitant at first, but pulled the chair oppisite Cole out and sat. Cole began to speak.

"Look Akio, you seem like a pretty cool person" he began "but I'm not gonna fight your friend for 2 reasons. 1. She is a girl, I don't fight girls and 2. She is a stuck up dweeb that thinks the whole world revolves around her. It all about her problems, not anyone elses. She's 'daddy's little princess', what she wants, she gets. Also she keeps complaining that I never thanked her for 'saving me' but that flame was going to go right over my head. The aim was terrible" Cole froze for a second before saying "No offence". Akio shrugged.

"None taken, I've been told I have to work on aim" Cole nodded "But don't discrimiate Rose just cause she is a girl. She's tougher than she looks" Akio brought his voice down to a whisper to make sure his best friend couldn't here "but I do agree she can be a bit self sentered sometimes"

Rose sat at the bar watching Akio talk to Cole. She wondered what they where talking about and if Akio could convince him to fight her so she could freeze him into an ice-cube.

"So Rose" Mira said "On a scale of 1-10 how good looking would you say Cole is". Rose didn't here her, she was to busy glaring at Cole to notice his looks. "Since you can't stop staring, I'll take it as a 10" Rose snapped out of her glare. "What? Mira sighed, she looked annoyed. "I said on a scale of 1-10 how good looking would you say Cole is?"

"Is 0 an option" she asked "or maybe mountain troll?" Mira rolled her eyes

"Come on, even if you hate him, it doesn't mean you can't rate him a 10 on the hotness scale". Rose was no longer paying attention. She saw Akio coming back from his talk with Cole

"So will he fight me!" Akio froze before speaking

"Um... i'm afriad not" Rose became angry

"Well why not" she growled

"Well for 2 reasons" Akio laughe nervously "1. Because you're a girl and he doesn't fight girls" he could see Rose was about to go ballistic so he quickly said "but I managed to convince him that gender stereotyping is idiotic and to look at Erza and stuff" Rose calmed slightly, but not much

"And reason 2?" Akio gulped. He knew how scary Rose could get when she was angry. She had the temper of Gajeel and Mira but together.

"He said you're a stuck up dweeb who thinks the whole world revolves around yourself" this set Rose off. She sent a blizzard at Cole before storming out of the guild, not turning back to see when she had caused. Rose had started and unintentional fight. 'Here we go again' Akio thought sighing 'Just another day at Fairy Tail'. What he didn't see that was unusual is that Cole, who was covered in snow, was staring after Rose in suprise at how stong she actually was.

"Maybe the little princess will be a tough challanger" he mumbled to himself, watching the men brawl in the middle of the room.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter Jellybeans! Sorry it's quite short :(

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