Chapter 21

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OMG! Just started watching Yu-Gi-Oh! Anyway on with todays chapter! I haven't had a ship chapter in FOREVER so I have decided on another one.... no I'm not just doing this cause i'm out of ideas, what are you on about? :P Anyway todays ship will be....... GRUVIA! Cause adorableness that's why ^_^ Haha, that has been my answer to everything lately!

Rose sat at her table watching Juvia trying to get Gray to notice her. It was not going well

"Gray-sama!" Juvia said happily "Do you like Juvia's new dress! Juvia picked it because she thought you would like it" Gray sighed, not paying attention.

"Yeah, sure Juvia" Gray said not interested. Juvia went into one of her Gray fantacies and was quickly snapped out when Natsu burst through the door and started a fight

"You wanna go icicle" NaJutsu said loudy

"Fight me fire-for-brains". Gray and Natsu began to brawl in the midde of the guild. Lucy, seeing this, just sighed and mumbled something about her boyfriend being an idiot. Juvia sighed unhappily and walked away.

"Juvia!" Rose shouted, gesturing for her to come sit at the table. Juvia made her way over, sitting on a chair and placing her head on the table.

"Juvia will never be noticed by her Gray-sama" Juvia sighed

"Don't worry Juvia. I'm sure he has feeling for you" Rose said trying to lift her spirits. "He's just to dense to relise them " Juvia smiled

"Thanks Rose, Juvia feels a bit better now"

"Here's my advice" Rose told her "Go on a week long job, or maybe even a longer one. Gray will notice you're not there. He will begin to miss you, then when you get back he will admit his undying love for you"

"Rose always give good relationship advice" Juvia grinned "How come she is not in a relationship herself". Rose used her head to gesture to her dad who was currantly sitting at the bar chatting to Lily.

"You really think he would let any boy NEAR me, bar my friends, never mind let one date me" Juvia giggled

"Rose is right. Gajeel-kun would never let you out on a date". Juvia stood up looking motivated "Alright" she said bursting with confidence "Juvia will put this plan into action" Rose grinned as Juvia ran out the door after picking a request. But Rose didn't count on one thing.

Juvia ran into Lyon

There where no trains going to where Juvia needed go and it was a 3 day walk. On the second night as she was laying down her sleeping bag she heard a familuar voice

"Juvia-san" It called out. Juvia looked behind her to see Lyon.

"Lyon-san" Juvia said in surprise "What are you doing here?"

"I'm just coming back from a job request" Lyon told her

"Juvia is heading to one". Lyon then smiled nervously.

"So... are you camping out" Juvia nodded in responce. Lyon went red "Could I maybe... camp with you. It's another days walk back to the guild" Juvia frowned. Chances where Lyon would surely ask her out, but she loved Gray. She then thoght about how Gray probably did't feel the same and how he would never like her. Her frown turned into a smile

"Sure Lyon-san".

The next day Juvia and Lyon where  packing up and about to go there seperate ways. "It was nice meeting you here Juvia-san"

"You to Lyon-san" Juvia replied with a smile. Lyon then took a breath and began to speak

"Juvia-san, I know in the past you have said no but.... would you consider going out on a date with me?"  Juvia was about to deny, but then she got to thinking. She once again thought about Gray. He had never shown any feeling towards her to hint he may like her the same way she did him. What is the point in persuing Gray-sama when he doesn't love Juvia, while Lyon-san obviously likes Juvia a lot Juvia thought. She then sighed and looked Lyon in the eyes

Heart Made of Stone: Rose's Story - Sequel to 'The Baby'Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora