I'M STILL HERE... Just writer's block

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Just confirming for you guys that I AM HERE AND HAVE NOT DISAPPEARED. 

I just have bad writer's block...

The next story will be here soon I promise. Here's a sneak preview of what I have written so far

A familiar stranger walked into the town of Magnolia in the early hours of the morning. Familiar, yet different. Her once long purple hair, now reached barely brushed the back of her neck. Her nose now adorned a singular stud, a purple gem embedded into it. She wore ripped jeans, a dark red tank top and a leather jacket around her waist. It no longer fit her, but she couldn't bear to give it up.

Rosaline Itami had returned.

But that's not what she was known as around here, though she was not sure if any of the locals would recognise her as who she was, or even her old guild members. She touched her guild mark and gave a small smile. She was Rose Redfox. A Fairy Tail guild member. She was, but she wasn't sure if they would remember her, or if they did if she would be accepted back. It had been so long since she left. 5 years to be exact. And in those 5 years, she had fought her demons, and she had won. She was no longer the child she used to be, however. Those demons had changed her, matured her. She wasn't the same innocent, naive girl she used to be.

She found the house she was looking for, though she wasn't even sure if the residents were the same. She just stared for a moment, almost letting her nerves get the better of her. Then she got up the courage and knocked on the door. About a minute passed, and Rose sighed. No one must be home. She was about to turn away, but then she heard the familiar click of a handle and the squeak of a door opening. 

Heart Made of Stone: Rose's Story - Sequel to 'The Baby'Where stories live. Discover now