Chapter 32

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Guess who has returned from the dead!!!! I am really sorry Jellybeans! I have had nothing to write on. My laptop broke, my kindle doesn't let me update stuff and I didn't get my school iPad back until now. Really I should not be giving excuses, especially on the cliffhanger I left you all on. I feel So terribly guilty. Luckily I still remember what I have planned. I believe that before I went AWAL I was planning on having one or two more chapters before... Well that's a secret ;) I really have no right to keep secrets from you Jellybeans though... Oh well let's get on with the story and hope you all don't hate me now, cause I love you guys so much!

Rose and Akio ran into the guildhall. Rose spotted Abby and ran over to her. "Abby!". Abby turned to her
"Hey Rose, everything alright?". Rose shook her head
Kazuo's been taken! We where out in the woods and someone grabbed him!" Abby groaned
"Rose! Have you not learnt that nothing good comes of us when we are in the woods!" But Abby understood the panic Rose felt and sighed. "We need to tell the grown ups"
"Abby we can do this ourselves. It's my fault that Kazuo was taken"
"Once again Rose nothing good comes when we head out ourselves! Have our past adventures not told you something!"  (A/N Yes I am criticising my own writing because it can be quite terrible and repetitive at times. Hopefully I've grown out of that on my hiatus)
"You know what their like Abby" Rose argued with her "They won't let us help because we are children"
"Well maybe that's best!" Abby argued back stubbornly "Everytime we do something like this we get into trouble"
"Look I'm not arguing with you anymore. Kazuo is in trouble and I'm going to save him. Are you in or are you out?". Abby took a moment to think then shook her head.
"I'm sorry Rose, I'm out. I'm already in enough trouble with Ojīchan for going on all these adventures and getting hurt"
"Fine!" Rose said annoyed. She then turned to Akio "How about you Akio, are you in or out?". Akio opened his mouth to answer, but then hesitated looking at Abby.
"Abby does have a point Rose" Akio said with a sigh "We do always end up getting into trouble... Maybe we should let the adults take this one" Rose's face turned red with rage.
"Oh I get it, so you're choosing your feelings for a girl over your". Both Abby and Akio's faces tinted pink and Abby looked at the floor.
"W... What do you..." But Rose interrupted him with a glare
"Save it! I know how you both feel, only an idiot wouldn't be able to see it! I can't believe you both!"
"Rose it's nothing like that" Abby said looking back up "I just don't want to get into anymore trouble"
"Well you can go tell the adults if you want" Rose said irritated "But I'm not going to wait around. I'm going to save our friend even if you guys won't!". Rose stormed out of the guildhall. As she closed the door behind her, trying her hardest not to slam them so no one would suspect anything was up. As she turned she banged right into Cole.
"Sorry Princess" he said, then he saw something was wrong "Hey is everything alright?"
"Are you going to have a go at me too" Rose snapped. Cole put his hands up in defence
"Hey I was only asking". Rose took a deep breath, calming herself.
"I'm sorry! I just had an argument with Abby and Akio over an emergency. Kazuo was grabbed while we where playing in the forest". Coles eyes widened
"Really." Then his expression changed. It looked like fear. "We have to save him". Cole grabbed Rose's arm and began running towards the woods where Kazuo was taken. Rose was struggling to keep up. Cole was fast.
"Slow down a bit!" Rose called to him "I know it's urgent but you don't need to rip my at, off!"
"Princess you don't understand" Cole mumbled loudly "They must know who he is. Meaning him and yourself could be in danger!" Rose stopped in her tracks causing her to fall over as Cole stilled pulled her arm.
"What do you mean I'm in danger?" She asked ad she got up, covered in dirt and leaves
"I... I can't tell you I promise I wouldn't.
"Cole what do..."
"Look, just trust me princess! Please!" Cole had never looked more serious. Rose nodded her head.
"I trust you" she told him, looking into his blue eyes. "Now let's go find Kazuo". With that they ran off.

Kazuo sat alone and afraid in the middle of an empty room. The brick grey walls oozed with a liquid that he didn't want to know about. The floor tiles had multiple chips and cracks. All the doors where locked. He knew because he'd already tried them all. All he could do was wait. A creak filled the silence. Kazuo looked towards the source of the sound. Someone had entered the room. The black cloak they wore covered their body, a hood pulled over their face. Kazuo stood up swiftly, preparing to attack.
"Sit back down boy" a voice boomed from under the cloak "You are too weak. You have spend too much time here". He hated to agree, but it was true. Staying this time, a time he didn't belong in, had drained most of his power and energy. The person removed their hood. Underneath was a man. His eyes where dark, like black holes that sucked all the hope that he had of getting out of here. He also wore a smirk on his facing, knowing that he was unbeatable.
"How do you know" Kazuo asked. The man chuckled and he knew he would never get a straight answer
"I know where you are from" the man walked towards him, a powerful aura radiating from him "Though I do not know how you came to be here. I also know your purpose for being here" he stopped right in front of Kazuo, a sneer on his face, "But I can tell you now that you will fail"
"Water lock" he attempted to fire a spell, but the man flicked his wrist and it disappeared. Kazuo collapsed to the ground in exhaustion. The man glared at him.
"Just for that boy I will make sure that when I kill the girl, it will be in front of your very eyes, so you see her pain as you realise you failed your mission to change the future". The man started to walk away and Kazuo struggled to pull himself up
"Tell me who you are" he said weakly. The man just turned and chuckled
"Oh Kazuo Itami, wouldn't you like to know". With that he turned and left leaving Kazuo to collapse onto the floor.

I really hope this chapter makes up for my absence. I have been trying to improve how I write. I hope that it obvious here. Again I'm really sorry Jellybeans! Hopefully I will go back to updating my stories regularly!

Heart Made of Stone: Rose's Story - Sequel to 'The Baby'Where stories live. Discover now