Chapter 6

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Hey Jellybeans. I'm sorry for the rubbish chapter yesterday. It was 10 past midnight and I had no energy left to think :( I'm hoping to make up for it in this chapter. Also, a little note while I've got your attention, I'm now in higher English (I'm not sure how the school system works for all the American and English Jellybeans, but I'n the land of Scots We have National 3, National 4, National 5 (< exam level), higher then advanced higher) so i'm going to be trying to use a lot of big words i.e 'bioluminecent' (a new word I just learnt!) which means a cave lit up by plants and seaweed and stuff. I'm not sure of the age range of people who read this story but if I use a word and you are unsure of what it means you can ask me in the comments... or you can google it, either way works :P Does anyone actually read these authors notes??? Oh well, lets get on with the story Jellybeans.

Rose sat on her bed as Levy took a cold compress and placed it gentally on Rose's burst lip. Rose then held it in place. She wished that Wendy could have healed her but she was taking care of Romeo. The two girls then heard the door open and foor steps coming up the stairs. Someone knocked on the door before coming in. It was Gajeel. His face went pale.

"What the hell happened" she asked

"Rose got into a fight" Levy explained

"Who was it, i'll kill 'em" Gajeel growled. Rose rolled her eyes.

"No need" Levy told him "Rose already put him in the wards" Gajeel smirked and chuckled

"That's my girl" Levy glared at him

"You're not helping you know" he shrugged, Levy sighed. "Could I talke to Rose alone please"

"But shrimp!"


"Fine" Gajeel said sighing, before leaving the room and shutting the door. Levy waited a few seconds then shouted

"Come away from the door" Rose could here grumbling as Gajeels footsteps could be hear going down the stairs. Levy rolled her eyes before turning to Rose, who put an innocent look on her face. "That may work on your dad misses, but not on me" Levy told her. "Now I want an explanation for why you attacked Cole and put him into the ward" Rose growled at Coles name.

"Because for the past week he's acted smart and idiotic, coming up with a stupid nickname for me and he took one of my favourite books off me and 'accidentally' ripped one of the pages..."

Flashback (Day 2 [< decided to write days 2-6 when they fit in])

Rose sat on one of the many benches at her favourite park, reading one of her favourite books 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix'. Her cheeks where stained with tears.

"Hey princess" Cole said noticing her sitting on the bench. Usually, Rose would have been irritated by Cole's mere presences, but at that moment she was too devistated to care. She held up her index finger to silence him. "Are you crying?" Cole asked sounding genurally concerned. Rose sniffed in reponce. Cole then noticed the book in her hands. He snatched it off her.

"What the hell, give me that back!" Rose growled. Cole read a passage outloud.

'SIRIUS!' Harry yelled. "SIRIUS!"

He had reached the floor his breath coming out in searing gasps. Sirius must be just behind the curtain, he, Harry, would pull him back out...

But as he reached the ground and sprinted towards the dias, Lupin grabbed Harry around the chest, holding him back

'There's nothing you can do, Harry -'

'Get him, save him, he's only just gone through!'

Heart Made of Stone: Rose's Story - Sequel to 'The Baby'Where stories live. Discover now