Chapter 28

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*Sighs* You know the story... bla bla bla School bla bla bla Homework bla bla bla Ill. You've heard the excuses before. I'm sorry I make you Jellybeans wait for SO long :(

Akio was the only one Cole told about his feelings. Akio chuckled and smiled. "I somehow knew you two would end up together" Cole scowled at him.

"We are not 'Ending up together'! It is a little crush that will disapear!" Akio rolled his eyes

"Sure..." Cole then said to him

"You cannot tell anyone else about this"

"Not even Abby?" Cole shook his head

"Abby and Princess are really close. There is no way that Abby WON'T tell her if she found out" Akio nodded in understanding.

"Akio! Cole!" They both spun round to see Rose running towards them. Cole turned a light shade of pink. Rose had her hair up in a pony tail, something she never did, showing her whole face and making her brown eyes sparkle.

Akio asked her "What's with the new hair style?"

"The wind! It's blowing my hair everywhere and I can't see a thing so I put it up to keep it out of my face" The boys nodded.

"So what do you need?" Akio asked and Rose smirked

"Well I NEED to breath to able to live but I'm guessing you want to know why I shouted you both" Akio and Cole rolled their eyes but nodded. Rose giggled making Cole turn even redder. Rose happily said "I need your help. Jellal is coming to town today..."

"Jellal?!" Cole interupted with wide eyes "The criminal! Why would you be happy about that?!" Rose was confused at first then she came to the realisation.

"Oh yeah i'm forgetting you wouldn't know. Jellal's not actually a criminal" Rose explained everything about Jellal to Cole. He nodded unconvinced but went along with it anyway. "Anyway as I was saying Jellal is coming to town so I need you guys to help me get him and Erza together!" Cole raised an eyebrow

"Why don't you ask Abby to help"

"Abby tagged along with Wendy and Romeo on a mission" Rose explained "PLEASE BOYS! Help me?" Akio smirked and looked at Cole. He then turned to Rose.

"I'm afriad I can't help Rose. I have other plans, but I am sure that Cole would be happy to help you" Cole turned and glared at Akio. He turned back to Rose, about to decline, but Rose had used her secret weapon. Her puppy dog eyes. Rose's eyes had turned big and glassy and looked at Cole with a pleading look. Cole continued to turn redder by the second. He finally let out a sigh

"Fine princess" he mumbled "I'll help you" Rose jumped up with a squeel and jumped on Cole. He wasn't expecting it so he fell backwards. Cole didn't think it was possible to turn any redder than he already was. Rose giggled as she got off him

"Lets get going then!" As they where about to walk out the door Gajeel walked in. Rose smiled "Hey dad! Where's Levy?"

"She's not well. She's been sick" Rose frowns

"Hope she gets well soon. Anyway see you later!" With that she runs off. Cole runs after her.

They arrive at the park but neither Erza nor Jellal are there yet. "So what are we going to do while we wait" Cole asks. Rose shrugs at first then grins. She grabs his hand and begins to drag him somewhere. They end up at the play area. Cole raises an eyebrow "What are we doing here Princess?" Rose turned to him

"We're going to play, isn't it obvious" Cole gave her a 'really?' look

"We're 13 years old!" Rose shrugged

Heart Made of Stone: Rose's Story - Sequel to 'The Baby'Where stories live. Discover now