Chapter 31

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"Rose!" Abby shouted as she ran up to the book shop, but her friend was nowhere in sight. Abby smiled and rolled her eyes, assuming that Rose would be late. 5 minutes later she saw Akio running down the street.

"Rose" she shouted "Sorry i'm late I fell asleep and lost track of..." but he trailed off when he saw it was only Abby. Abby thought for a second then groaned and put her hand in her head. Akio looked confused.
"Abby? What's up? Have you seen Rose. I'm supposed to be meeting her here" Abby just rolled her eyes

"You've known her longer than I have and you seriously have no idea what's going on". Akio paused for a second, thinking, then copied Abby's actions. Abby giggled.

"We've been set up haven't we?" Abby nodded and sighed

"Yup" Thet stood for a few minutes, neither sure what to say. Abby finally said "So now what?". She saw Akio's face turning slightly red, before he cleared his throat and spoke

"Well... I guess we could go and have a look in the book shop.. as friends of course not a date... I mean if you don't want it to be.... which i'm guessing you don't... but..." Abby giggled at him, a hint of pink in her cheeks, but Akio didn't notice as he was to busy still stuttering. Abby walked over and kissed his cheek to shut him up, which it did, leaving him very red in the face.

"Well Rose did set us up on a date, so why not act like it is one just to make her happy so she doesn't do this again". If it was possible for Akio to turn any reder he would have. It took a while but Akio finally managed to stutter out

"Ok". With a grin - and a very red face - Abby grabbed Akio's hand and dragged him into the book store.

The book store, as the name would suggest, was filled with millions of books, all different shape, sizes and colours. Abby looked like a child on Christmas, her eyes wide with excitement. Akio chuckled. Abby, still not having let go of his hand, proceeded to drag him around the shop.

"Um... you know you're still holding my hand right" Abby turned to him

"Isn't that what your supposed to do on a date?". Akio shrugged.

"I've never been on a date before"

"Neither have I" Abby grinned "But I've read about them in my books. They hold hands, go somewhere and end it with a kiss" Akio went red at the thought of kissing Abby. "Then" Abby continued "One of the people admit they have something to do with the supernatural, but unless you're a vampire I think we can skip that part"

"I don't know" Akio told her "I think I can feel my fangs poking through" Abby giggled at him.

Rose and Kazuo exited the coffee shop. As usual they where happy for he extra help, hand Rose was happy to see Charlie again.

"I don't want to go back to the guild yet" Rose said as they went outside. Kazuo hesitated

"I really think we should go straight back to the guild. It's safer". Rose rolled her eyes and grabbed his hand

"Come on! It'll be fun! We'll only go into the forest". With that she began to drag Kazuo to the forest. They went in and started to wander. Kazuo didn't want to be there, and Rose could tell.

"Can't we just go back now" he said to her "Won't your dad be worrying"

"Dad's to busy helping Levy" Rose told him "come on this is fun!" They wandered around for another little bit before Rose said "let's play hide and seek!". Before Kazuo could protest Rose ran off to hide. She climbed up the tree and waited. She could here Kazuo shouting for her.

"Rose! Rose where are you! Please answer me!" Rose giggled. Then all of a sudden Kazuo stopped shouting. Then he yelled out in surprise and began shouting "let me go! Get off me!" Rose jumped down from the tree and ran towards his shouting. The last thing she saw saw Kazuo's foot being pulled through he trees. Rose knew she couldn't take whoever it was alone. She heard more than 1 person. So Rose ran back to the guild to get help.

Abby and Akio walked out of the shop, both carrying a new book each. Akio had bought Abby a book, as customary for a date for one to buy the other something, but Abby had decided to do the same. She knew Akio wasn't a big reader and decided to get him something to get him to start reading more. They began to walk back to the guild, not holding hands this time. When they arrived at the outside of the guild they stopped. Abby grinned.

"Thank you for this lovely date Akio" Akio chuckled and smiled

"You too Abby"

"I think we did everything they do in the books. "Abby then pondered "the only thing we didn't do was the k..." She trailed off, her face going red. She then looked at Akio "C...close your eyes". Akio was confused, but did it. A few moments later he felt Abby's lips connect with his. It felt like a lifetime, but was probably only a few seconds. She pulled back and he finally opened his eyes, but Abby had already went into the guild. Akio touched his lips from where Abby kissed him. He was about to enter the guild himself but he heard someone shout his name

"AKIO!" It was Rose. Akio turned to see her, she looked worried.

"Rose" Akio said to her "what's wrong?" She stopped out of breath

"Kazuo's been taken somewhere. We where in the forest and some people grabbed him. We need to find him!"

Extra mini update! Hope you enjoy! Will try and get a new chapter up tomorrow!

Heart Made of Stone: Rose's Story - Sequel to 'The Baby'Where stories live. Discover now