Chapter 25

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I really hate not being able to update :( To make things worse I have to go into school during the holidays so I can't even promise to update during the holidays! DAMN YOU SCHOOL!

"So Princess, how do we get out of here!" Cole growled, annoyed. He didn't know how long they had been stuck in the book but he knew it had been quite a while. "We haven't even moved, we've just stood in this damn corner since we got here"

"I think we need to get to the end of the book, then we will be automatically transported out" Rose said, with a hopeful tone in her voice. Coles eyes widened.

"This book is over 500 pages long, we'll be here forever" Rose shook her head.

"Most of it is descritive writing" she told him in a whisper "Without all the description and just the dialouge and the plot, predict that it will be be jst under 200 pages maybe? And we don't know how long a minute in here is back in our word so we could be in here for 5 days and only be gine 5 minutes back in the guild"

"Or the other way round" Cole mumbled but a quick glare from Rose shut him up.

"We need to make sure we don't change to much in the story" she told him, watching the main character attend to her fields "We don't know how much it will effect the book". Cole noded in agreement. They continued to watch the main character. Cole was getting bored. Why won't the plot move along! He had no sooner thought that when there was a flash of bright white light. Cole and Rose covered their eyes. When they reopened then they saw a mann standing their whom Cole asumed was cupid. He did not look like the baby cupid who wore a diaper. He had long brown hair that fell down to just past his ears. He wore a blue checkered shirt, jeans and brown boots. His eyes where a stunning green.

"Who are you" the farm girl asked.

"I am the angel Cupid, miss Jane Watson, and I have some to answer your wish" Cupid told her. Cole could see Rose silently fangirling at this encounter. Cole rolled his eyes but couldn't help but smile at her adorable goofiness.

"I do not believe you" Jane Watson told Cupid "How could I believe you. The angel cupid is some silly valentine day mascot that is a baby that wears a diaper". Cupid smiled at this. He turned to some strawberries that where still growing. They where green and look like it would take them a couple more weeks until they where ripe. He waved his hand over them and suddenly the stawberries burst into life. They grew rapidly and looked like little hearts on the stalk. Jane's eyes widened in shock at what she had just seen. Cupid turned back to her with a smile on his lips.

"Do you beileve me now Jane Watson?" he asked.

"B..but how did you... You just" Jane kept stuttering. She finally swallowed her breath and said "Who are you"

"I have told you. I am the angel cupid and I am here to help you fnd true love". Cole could tell by the look in Jane's eyes that it was hard for her to believe. She then smiled

"I believe you" she told the man "But how will you help he ind true love"

"For that" cupid told her "you will just have to wait and see". Cupid looked around the fields and caught a glimps of Cole and Rose attemping to hide. "It would seem that you have guests" he told Jane. She turned to see where Cupid was pointing. Cole began to panic. They had bee spotted. Rose, however had a plan .She walked out from behind the house looking sad.

"We are very sorry for trespassing miss" she said to Jane "We are two travelers who have lost our way" Cole came out from behind the house, nodding along, and hoping Rose knew what she was doing. Jane gave a caring smile

"You poor children. Why don't you stay with me. I have two spare rooms in my little cottage"

"Thank you miss" Rose bowed, Cole coping her actions "In return, let us help tend to your fields"

"That is very generous of you. I would love for the help". Cole let out a small, unnoticeable sigh. You got lucky princess he though Lets hope that luck continues


Abby and Aiko sat on the train, Akio telling her what the request was. "It's pretty simple" he told her "All we have to do is catch some thiefs that have been stealing from shops in a town called Rosefield" Abby grinned

"I see why Rose chose that request then" Akio chuckled and nodded.

"She hoped that when the town people knew her name she would be worshiped like a god or something" they both burst into fits of laughter. When they stopped laughing they both fell silent. It wasn't an awkward silence, more of a comforable, but Abby couldn't stop thinking about when Akio had metioned Rose's name. His whole face lit up with happiness. It made something bubble in her stomach. She couldn't define what it was.

"Hey Akio" she said "I know I say I ship Rokio all the time and stuff, but do you actually like Rose, you know, in that way".

"I used to when we where kids, really young kids" Akio told her "But that was the past, now she's more like my sister". For some reason Abby felt a sense of relief, but she couldn't figure out the reason why. "Why do you ship Rokio anyway?" Akio then asked curiously

"Because Rokio is adorableness, do I need another reason" Abby said, rolling her eyes, attemping to keep the blush she felt forming back.

"Sorry Abby but that will never happen" Akio said "But Cole and Rose are a different story. If we are talking in fangirl terms, I ship them" Abby smiled at him.

"Yeah, I guess they are cute together. Besides, I'm starting to ship you with someone else"

"Really" Akio sat up from slouching, curious "Who?"

"You'll just have to wait to find out" she giggled then smirking. The two then contined their journey in a comfortable silence.


"So what happened next?" Cole asked Rose as they both tended to the field. They could see the sun going down in the distance.

"They begin talking" Rose said. She looked over and saw the two chatting away while Cupid also helped Jane with the fields "They are talking about how they will go out to the market tomorrow and he will help Jane meet some nice men and hopefully her true love. A man then asks her out while at the market and she says yes. She gets ready for the date and comes down looking beautiful. That is when he falls madly in love with her, but it is against the rules of Cupid. He is not allowed to fall in love. He watches her go on many dates with the boy, then after only 2 weeks, which is COMPLETELY mad he asks her to marry him. She says yes at first then Cupd says that he has to leave by the next night because his job is done. Jane spends the whole say with her new fiance but in the end she reliss she loves cupid and runs back to the farm in time to tell him. They share a passionate kiss under the moonlight and he gives up being the angel Cupid so they can be together" Rose told Cole. He looked stunned that she remembered all of this information.

"So they all live happily ever after, the end, we get to go home, right?" he said

"Right" Rose nodded.

"Rose, Cole" Jane shouted them "It's getting late. How about we head in and have some dinner" Rose turned to her and smiled

"Be right their Miss Watson" Rose called back and turned back to Cole "Lets go"

This is once again short. I haven't upadated in so long and I was feeling really guilty :( Hopefully I will be able to update more. Also, my birthday is coming up in 14 day :D If you Jellybeans want to send me chocolate just send it to *Makes up fake address that i can't think of at the moment :P*. Haha, joking! Anyway Good Morning/Afternoon/Night Jellybeans.

Heart Made of Stone: Rose's Story - Sequel to 'The Baby'Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora