Chapter 19

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Rose and Cole sat against the wass trying to figure out a way to escape. They where stuck for ideas.

"Will we ever get out" Rose wondered out loud while she picked at her fingernails in boredom.

"Hopefully, but first we need to think of a plan" Cole replied as he gentally hit the back of his head off the concrete wall.

"Any Ideas?"

"Not yet princess" Cole sighed

"Don't call me... you know what, I give up!" Rose sighed. There was silence. Rose got to thinking.....


Rose sat at a table reading a book. Levy and Gajeel where having a small argument over nothing.

"Come on shrimp" Gajeel said smiling

"Don't call me... you know what, I give up!"

End of Flashback

Rose gasped and turned a shade of pink. That's what Levy and Mira meant! she thought embarassed. I can't beileve I didn't get that!

"What, do you have an idea!" Cole said looking at her, hearing her gasp. Rose shook her head. He groaned and leant back on the wall and shut his eyes. Rose thought about what Mira and Levy had said to her We are NOTHING like my dad and Levy! Rose contiuned to think to herself They are in love! I do not like Cole at all! Rose turned to look at Cole. Rose had to admit, Cole wasn't unattractive. His long black hair fell over one of his bright blue eyes. Rose also thought about how kind he was, now that she knew him better. As each of these thoughts entered and left her head, she turned redder and redder. No! This is not right! I should not be having these thoughts

"Well I have nothing" Cole said, making Rose jump. "You got anything?"

"Um..Nope" she answered, unable to look him in the eye.

"What are we gonna do" he groaned, annoyed

"You're probally gonna die" came a voice from outside the cell. They both looked up to see one of the men that captured them.

"Go to hell!" Rose growled at him

"Now now sweetheat...."

"DON'T CALL ME SWEETHEART!" she yelled at him. The man glared at her

"Maybe I should just kill you now to shut you up you wee brat!"

"Just calm down Princess" Cole told her, Rose gave the man a glare while he smirked

"So it's only your boyfriend that's allowed to give you nicknames" he said to Rose

"He is not my boyfriend!" Rose shouted, her face going red. The man just chuckled and snapped his fingers. Rose and Cole heard the sound of gas. They looked around in panic before falling into unconciousness

Rose awoke. She felt something constricting her arms. She looked and was what looked like gient snakes holding her in place. She tugged. Fortunately it was just chains shaped like snakes. She looked up to see a man stading with his hood up. "Finally awake are we sweetheart" she could tell it was a different person

"What is it with you snakes and calling me sweetheart!" Rose said before shouting "DON'T CALL ME THAT!". She looked around her holding place to see she was alone. "Where's Cole?"

"Your boyfriend?" the man asked. Rose was just about to deny it when he said "bring in the boy!". A door open. A woman was carrying a bloody and beaten Cole. She threw him on the floor before leaving again.

Heart Made of Stone: Rose's Story - Sequel to 'The Baby'Where stories live. Discover now