Chapter 9

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Quick shout out to my friend @Featureshot who is also writing a GaLe and gave me a shout out. Go check out his Gale called Iron Adventures. It's really good (and i'm not just saying that cause he's my friend irl). Also, the Poll for Role or Rokio was acting up so I have remade it on another site. Sorry for any inconvenionce, but could you Jellybeans do it again? Thanks. Will post link in comments

Cole ran through the woods. He followed the trail of gient foot steps. "Why is it always me that has to save her" He said aloud to himself. Because you offered too, idiot a voice in his answered. He shook it off the continued running. He found himself standing in front of a cave. He crept in quietly into the layer of the creature. The cave was dark. It took a while for his eyes to adjust to the light. When they finally did, Cole could see the outline of the monster. He quickly hid behind a rock. He poked his head out to see if he could see anything. He looked around, but couldn't see Rose anywhere. Weird he thought. He decided to go take a closer look. Unfortunaly, he ended up kicking a stone. The noise echoed around the cave. The monster's head whipped 'round and saw Cole who was frozen to the spot . He gulped, the monsters blood red eyes staring into his soul.

"Where did you take Rose?" Cole asked nervously, like he was expecting an answer. He wouldn't show the monster he was scared. The monster just barred its teeth and growled, the green drool dripping from it's mouth into a puddle on the floor. Cole stood his ground, staring into the monsters eyes. The monster jumped at Cole, Cole began to attack (A/N I just relised this is the first time you guys get to know what Cole's magic is. I think you can guess though with the title and all). "Rock Magic: Stone Pillers" Stone pillers apeared from the ground, hitting the thing in th stomach and winding it. It got back up, even more angry than before. It jumped at Cole. He didn't have time to dodge. The monsters claws tore into his cheek and knocked him down in the process. Blood instantly began to ooz from the wound on the cold cave floor. The creature came for him again while he was on the floor. He only just managed to roll away. Cole quickly stood up and shot another attack "Rock Magic: Bolder". A Giant bolder appeared in thin air. Cole through it at the monster. The bolder knockd it into a wall. Cole could see the thing was not phased by this at all. It just got up and went to attack him again. Cole kept sending spell after spell at the thing but it wouldn't stop. He was losing way to much blood from the gash on his eye and he still couldn't find Rose anywhere in the cave. Finally, Cole fell againt a wall, th monster towering over him. Cole knew this was the end....

"Snow Magic: White Fury" a voice echoed through the cave. It hit the side of the unsuspecting monster. It flew into the wall at the other side of the cave. Rose then ran into the cave

"What the hell" Cole mumbled, thinking he was halusinating from loss of blood

"Snow Magic: White out" Rose covered the whole cave and the monster in snow. At that point, Romeo, Wendy and Akio ran into the cave. While Akio and Romeo held the monster down, Wendy took out a sleeping potion (Cole had no idea where she had gotten it from) and threw it. The thing fell asleep instantly. That was the last thing Col saw before passing out from lack of bloodCole awoke slowly. He opened his eyes, and instantly closed them again, being blinded by the light. He then opened them again. His eyes slowly adjusted to the light.

"He's awake!" He heard Akio's voice shout. Cole slowly sat up and looked around. He was outside of the cave. Akio was sitting next to him, while Rose, Romeo and Wendy where tying up the creature, which was still asleep. Rose then walked up to Cole and smacked him on the shoulder. Hard "What was that for?" Cole asked grabbing his shoulder.

"You're an idiot" she then turned to Akio and did the same thing to him. "You are too"

"What do you mean" both boys asked."I can't believe you didn't relise it was a snow fake!" she shouted at the two. She grabbed both their heads and smacked them together. Both boys gave a large groan of pain.

"Hey princess, at least we're even now" Cole smirked. Rose just rolled her eyes.

"What ever. Just don't scare everyone like that. You could have died" Rose said with real concern in her voice. Cole's smirk sofened into an actual smile

"Well, thanks for saving my life" Rose smiled at him. Akio interupted their 'moment'

"Now I see why Mirajane ships it, no wonder she tried so hard to get you two together" he thought out loud. He instantly regretted it. Rose's smiley face quickly turned into an angry expression.

"What?!" she growled. Akio gulped. He had alot of explaining to do.

I know this is VERY VERY short but I ran out of ideas for the fighting :/ I will be uploadin another chapter today/night though. It will just be a fun, random chapter though, until I can think of a proper idea (or until I wait 3 days for the results of the poll) Remember to vote for your favoriute couple :D Link will be in the description

Heart Made of Stone: Rose's Story - Sequel to 'The Baby'Where stories live. Discover now