Chapter 24

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Jellybeans! I was thinking of writing a GaLe highschool AU (I would be including other ships, but mainly focusing on Gajeel and Levy) Would you guys read it? Just wondering :P Are you ready for this chapter.

Cole walked into the guild hall. He spotted Rose sitting at a table reading. He went over to her. "Princess" he said. Rose didn't here him, she was too engrossed in her book "Princess" he said again. Still no answer. He rolled his eyes and took the book from out her hands. Rose jumped slightly, not expecting it. She then glared at him.

"Give me that back" she growled. Cole just ignored her and flipped through the pages roughly. Rose flinched slightly at how roug he was being. Cole finally closed the book and handed to back to her.

"How can you even read a book that long" he questioned. Rose just looked confused.

"This is just light reading" Cole's eyes widened

"Light reading! Damn it Princess that books like 500 pages long!" Rose just grinned.

"I know, it's SO short, but I don't have time to waist. I'm going on a request with Akio, just the two of us. We haven't spent time just us for SO long". Why is Princess hanging out with him alone Cole thought. He got that weird feeling he felt when Josh flirted with her, when anybody flirted with her. Everytime he felt it only one word came to his mind.


But he couldn't be jelous. He didn't like Rose like that. She was his Nakama and nothing more. Cole put a smile on his face, ignoring the weird feeling in is stomach.

"That sounds nice. Have fun" he said. He was about to walk away when Rose shouted.

"Hey, before you go, you wanna hear the new spell I've learnt. I got it from that latin spell book!". Cole turned to her and sighed.

"Princess it's never a good thing when you say a spell, ESPECIALLY in latin" Rose ignored him and said it anyway

"in hoc"

"Rose shut up" Cole said. Rose speaking latin never went well.

"volumine ibimus" Cole reached and grabbed Rose's arm lightly and was about to put his hand over her mouth. "Ianuae". All of a sudden Cole felt himself jerk sideways like he was going into a portal. He felt like he couldn't breath as he was tumbling through space and time. He had no idea how long it was before he fell to the ground. He groaned in pain and heard Rose do the same beside him. He lifted up his head and looked around. They where not in the guild hall anymore.

"Where the hell are we!?" Cole asked annoyed as he got up.

"How am I supposed to know" Rose grumbled, standing up beside him. Cole looked around again hoping to find some indication of where they where. There was only a building and some fields. It looked like they where on a farm.

"You are no longer aloud to speak latin" Cole told Rose, annoyed. Rose just rolled her eyes. She looked around and her eyes widened. She grabbed Coles hand (Cole turned very red) and dragged him behind a building. They peaked there heads out from round the corner and saw a woman coming out of the farm house. She was a beautiful woman. She had blonde hair that had been tied into a pleat. She wore a checkered shirt and jeans. She leant again the side of the house and sighed.

"I wish I could find someone to love me truley" she said outloud to herself. Cole was very confused.

"I think I know where we are" Rose mumbled.

"Where?" Cole whispered to her.

"We're inside my book" She told him "Cupids Arrow'. It's about a farm girl who wants to fall in love and a man claiming to be cupid appears and then he falls in love with her and she falls for him and stuff...." Cole had to hold back a laugh

"I can't believe you read this kinda mushy stuff princess" he grinned

"It's my favourite book ever" Rose growled, facing him. Her face was red with embarasment. Rose turned back to watch what was happening. Cole smiled She 's adorable when she's angry he thought. He relised what he was thinking so he gentally hit his head on the side of the house I can't think that!!! he yelled at himself in his head as his face heated up. He then heard Rose quietly gasp. "What?" he asked

"Akio!" she exclaimed softly "Our mission! We already had it planned and Mirajane had already told the person we where coming today and...."

"Breath!" Cole told her "I'm sure everything is fine"

Guild Hall

Akio looked everywhere. Rose was no where to be foud. The only indication of her ever being there was her favourite book lying on a table. Akio sighed and sat down annoyed. Abby, who was already in the guild, came over to him

"Hey Akio whats wrong" she asked concerned.

"Rose and I where supposed to go on a request today but I can't find her anywhere and our train is in half an hour. I guess i'll just have to get Mira to call the guy an say we can't do it" Abby felt bad for Akio. It wasn't usual that Rose would abandon him, never mind leave her favourite book on the table!

"Hey, I'll go with you" Abby smiled. Akio looke up

"You will?" he said smiling, Abby nodded. Akio's face lit up "Just come with me and wait outside while I get my stuff from Fairy Hills" Akio nodded, his face turning slihgtly pink.


Cole and Rose had been watching the woman for a couple of minutes now, reciting her monolouge in hopes someone woul answer her plea.

"How long does she ramble on for" Cole mumbled, Rose turned around, glaring at him.

"This monolouge is important to the story line" She growled. Cole just rolle him eyes as they continued to watch the woman, trying their best not to be seen

I know this chapter is really short but I have really had no time. All my teachers hate me and keep giving me TONS of homework that when I finally finish it I fall asleep straight after :( I know my updates have been really slow and i'm SO sorry! You jellybeans deserve more.

Heart Made of Stone: Rose's Story - Sequel to 'The Baby'Where stories live. Discover now