Chapter 2

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When Rose awoke, she was in the Fairy Tail guild. She winced slightly at the pain as she sat up. She looked around to the ward was empty apart from herself. She pulled the covers off herself and saw she was in a hospital gown. She pulled the covers over her legs (in case someone came in) and lifted up the gown to revel her stomach. It had been wrapped in bandages. She put the gown back down and once again pulled off the covers. She attempted to stand. It was semi-successful. She could stand but it was really painful. She found a set of clothes on a chair beside her bed. She pulled the changing curtain...thingy (A/N Wow, great description me! Read the sarcasm) in front of her and got changed into a grey short-sleaved t-shirt and black leggings. It took her a while to get changed because of the bandages. When she found her shoes at the bottom of the hospital bed she put them on . The door then opened. Rose looked up to see Mira-Jane had entered. She smiled widley.

"Rose! You're awake!" she squealed.

"Hey Mira" Rose said "how long was I out?"

"Just a few hours" Rose sighed, only a few hours. "What's the last thing you remember?"

"Um.. well someone used some sort of magic to push these guys that where attacking me off me..." Rose said. "I wonder who that was?"

"Oh, it was the new member Cole" Mira said bluntly

"How do you know?"

"Natsu, Romeo and Akio where still at the guild when he carried you into the guild hall. He knew you where from Fairy Tail because of your insigna. He was coming here anyway to ask to join Fairy Tail. He joined this morning." Rose paled

"If it was just the boys, then who got me changed...."

"Don't panic, they called me as soon as possible. I almost killed them but then I found out you where attacked I almost went to kill the people who attacked you but I thought I would leave that to Gajeel"

"Wait, my dad doens't know right? He'll go on a rage and kill them!"

"...I'm afriad so sweetie, he got back with Levy this morning" Rose paled even more. "But don't worry Levy managed to calm him down" Rose paled even more. Levy. The book. Burnt to a crisp.

"Y'know what Mira, I think i'll just stay up hear...forever"

"Don't be stupid, everyone wants to know if you're ok!" Mira scollded

"Can't they just come up here?" Mira shook her head "PLEASE!" MIra went into her satan sole, Rose froze. "I was just kidding" she laughed nervously "of course i'll go down and see them..." Mira went back to being her smiley self

"Good, now lets get going" Mira practicly skipped out of the ward as Rose followed slowly behind her. They entered the main guild and Akio came flying at Rose with a hug. Rose hissed in pain.

"Baka!" Mira said, her Saitan Sole rising "She's hurt then you go flying into her"

"Gomen!" Akio shriked in fear. Mira went back to being Mira. Levy was next in line and gave Rose a light hug as not to hurt her. Rose then paled

"Levy, your book i'm SO sorry I should have been more carful the boys where practcing their magic and I wasn't paying attention and..."

"Breath Rose!" Levy told her. Rose took a deap breath and let it out slowly. "The boys already tod me it was their fault" Rose sighed in refief. She then looked around the guild

"Where's my dad? He's not gone to kill anyone had he"

"No" Levy asured her "He said he was going to get some stuff he forgot from his house and...." Levy paled "I'll go find him" and she quickly ran out the guild. Rose half groaned half giggled. Everyone else came to check if she was fine and the three boys appologised saying how it was their fault in the first place. After everyone had gone back to what they where doing Rose sat at the bar and began talking to Mira and Lisanna for a while. She then got bored and her eyes wandered around the guild. They landed on a boy who she had never seen before at the request bored, looking at the jobs. He looked about the same age as herself, maybe a year older. He had hair as black as the night sky and eyes blue as saphires (A/N Hope I redeemed myself after that awful description of the curtain thingy!)

Heart Made of Stone: Rose's Story - Sequel to 'The Baby'Where stories live. Discover now