Chapter 30

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I AM NOT DEAD! I am very much alive :) School has been working me so hard and my exams are in 3 weeks! I know this is no excuse for not updating for so long but my internet also went out for 2 weeks :( I am SO SORRY! I have had this arc planned for AGES and I haven't been updating :( PLEASE FORGIVE ME JELLYBEANS! YOU ARE THE BEST AND I HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN ABOUT YOU AND I LOVE YOU ALL *hugs!*. Now after what feels like FOREVER lets get on with the story!

A month passed and Kazuo had become apart an official of the group. But Cole still didn't like him. He kept a close eye on him and  every move he made. Kazuo was especially werid round Rose, which Cole didn't like one bit. He went to Akio to see what he thought, but Akio just smirked and said "You're obviously jealous of him".

"I am not jealous!" Cole said. Akio just rolled his eyes and smiled

"Sure you're not". Cole sighed as Akio walked away. He was alone in this. He was the only one who could see something was suspicious. The way he just turned up out of no where. No story of where he came from, no background information apart from "I'm here to avenge my dads sister", and frankly he didn't believe him. He didn't know what he wanted with Rose but he wanted something. He especially didn't like how Kazuo put himself in danger for Rose.

The five friends where facing a monster, one they had to kill for the 25, 000 jewel reward. Kazuo hated the idea of going on this mission in the first place, which made Cole even more suspicious thn he already was. As soon as Rose said that it was a good job however, Kazuo was all for the idea. They went out to the town and where instantly greeted by the monster. They sent attack after attack. Rose sent waves of snow, Akio sent flames flying at it, Abby sent her deadly flowers and Kazuto, who had water magic (which made Juvia very happy), sent water slicers. The monster batted away all their attacks and turned to Rose with a growl. It pounced.
"Princess!" Cole shouted, but before he could do anything, Kazuo had already jumped into action. He pushed Rose out of the way and took the attack himself. Rose shouted. Akio sent an unexpected flame at the monster knocking him sideways off Kazuto. He was hurt, but only slightly. The fight continued. When they finally killed the monster, Rose screamed at Kazuto about how he could of got himself killed then hugged him for saving her. This made Cole's blood boil

Cole sat at a table, put his head in his hands and sighed Maybe I am jealous he thought at first but then shook this thought from his head. No. That boy is up to something. He has something he's not telling us and i'm going to find out. Cole then heard the guild door open. He looked up to see it was Rose. In a moment all of his troubles, all of the thoughts about Kazuo, melted away, and Cole couldn't help but smile. Rose had been having this effect on him for a while now and he coudn't explain what it was. One word would always spring to his mind


But Cole pushed the word out his mind as quickly as it appeared. He couldn't be in love with Rose. It couldn't be possible. They where nakama. Though Cole did have a crush on Rose, that's all it was. And if Cole did love Rose and Rose didn't return the feelings then everything would change between them, forever. Rose walked over to him and sat at the table with him. She looked worried. Cole was instantly concerned.

"Hey" Rose said, her voice unenthusiastic. This was not like Rose at all.

"What's up Princess?". Rose just shook her head


"Ok now I know something is wrong" Cole said to her "You didn't answer with your usual "The sky, the clouds the roof"" He did a terrible impression of her, attempting to put on a high pitch pitch voice, intending to make Rose laugh. She didn't laugh but it did make her smile, So Cole considered it half successful. "You know you can tell me anything Princess. I'm your friend". He felt a pang in his heart. Friend. He didn't know why he hated using the word when around Rose.  Maybe because you want to be more said the little voice at the back of Cole's head Much more. Cole chose to ignore it. Rose sighed.

"I'm worried about Levy" She told him "She hasn't been at the guild and she hasn't come to visit in a few months. My dad says everything's alright but I just want to know she's ok"

"Maybe she's pregnant and she doesn't want anyone knowing yet?" Rose smiled and rolled her eyes

"Don't get my hopes up. I've been asking for a baby sister since I was 8" Cole just chuckled

"I'm sure she's fine". Cole could tell that Rose had cheered up, which made him happy too. Rose then got up and walked over to him. She wrapped her arms around him and hugged him. Cole felt his face turn beetroot red. He hugged her back. After they parted, Rose smiled.

"Thanks Cole,  you always know just the right thing to say"

"Anytime Princess" Cole grinned. Rose gave a groan

"Still with the stupid nickname?" Cole chuckled and was about to say something, but the guild door opened before he could. Both he and Rose turned to see who it was. It was Kazuo. Rose gave him a wave and he smiled and nodded in return. She turned back to Cole who was trying his best to hold back a glare.

"I gotta go. Kazuo and I are going to the coffee shop to go work". Cole felt rage bubbling up inside him, but hid it and instead acted surprised

"Really? Just the two of you? What about Abby, Akio and I?" Rose give a giggle

"I set Abby and Akio up on a a date, but they don't know it's a date, all they know is that they're 'meeting me at the bookshop at 3'. I guess another reason I'm going on a mission is so I live a short while longer before one of them kills me"

"Well why didn't you ask me to come?" At this point Cole felt more hurt than angry at the fact that Rose didn't even consider to ask him if he wanted to come

"I didn't ask you because I knew you needed a break" Rose told him "On our last request you worked so hard and I just don't want you to hurt yourself" Rose said to him, her voice becoming softer at the end. Cole gave a small smile. He never knew Rose considered his feelings like that. Cole just gave a defeated sigh. Rose gave Cole one last smile before going over to Kazuo. They where just about to leave when Rose gasped "Oh no I've forgot my purse!" she turned to Kazuo. "Wait here, i'll just run home and get it". With that Rose ran out the door. After Rose left Cole felt new rage overcome. He got up and grabbed Kazuo's sleeve. Kazuo was shocked but followed Cole as he lead him to  table right at the back to the guild. Kazuo sat down.

"Look you know I don't like you" Cole growled softly so no one else in the guild could here "I don't trust you one bit. I know you haven't been telling us everything, or the truth at all for that matter, and I definitely don't want you going on a request alone with Rose". Her name felt foreign on his tongue. It was extremely rare that Cole would use Roses real name instead of calling her 'Princess' and whenever he did it didn't sound right. Kazuo looked around and gave a sigh, he then looked deadly serious. Cole was taken aback by this. Kazuo never looked this serious.

"Would telling you the true reasons why i'm here make you trust me". Cole nodded, and sat down in the seat opposite Kazuo. "Very well then". Kazuo told Cole everything. Cole's eyes widened at everything Kazuo was telling him. When he finally finished his story, Cole was speechless. "Now you understand why I have to protect her" Kazuo said to Cole. At first Cole  didn't know whether to believe him or not, what Kazuo had told him was too unbelievable, but a feeling in his gut told Cole that he was telling the truth. Cole nodded.

"I get it" He told Kazuo

"You can't tell anyone what i've just told you. Even just telling you may have jeprodised everything" Cole felt a pang of guilt "No one else can know, especially Rose. Not yet". Cole nodded. It was at that point that Rose burst through the door

"Kazuo I found my purse!" she shouted "It was in my pocket the whole time I fel like an idiot" Kazuo rolled his eyes and Cole chuckled. With that Kazuo and Rose left on their mission. Cole understood everything now and he no longer hated Kazuo. He was the only one who could protect Rose.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!  It's quite short because I still have homework to do. I had to go somewhere with Internet to upload it because my internet is still of and I don't know when I'll get internet again :( It my be at school tomorrow so we'll see. I'll keep writing until then and see if I can get another chapter uploaded today. I am once again really sorry for not updating in forever!!!! I love you guys so much. Thank you for being patient <3

Heart Made of Stone: Rose's Story - Sequel to 'The Baby'Where stories live. Discover now