Chapter 11

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UPDATE ON POLL: And the winner -drum roll- WILL BE ANOUNCED AT THE END OF THIS CHAPTER ;) Which means to find out, you have to read the chapter :P Also, I was bored so went onto The Baby and started reading some of it and I can't believe how much of a terrible speller I am! How can you guys put up with it! Also read all the comments :P You guys are CRAZY :P I love my Jellybeans!!!

Rose walked into the guild hall. Her eyes scanned the room but she couldn't find who she was looking for. She spotted Levy and decided to go talk to her."Hey Levy" Rose said smiling

"Hey Rose" Levy replied, looking up from her book. "What's up?"

"The roof, the sky, the clouds" Levy rolled her eyes at the responce Rose gave

"I mean what do you need"

"Have you seen my dad and Lily. They haven't come home in a while" Rose said, concern in her voice. Gajeel had now trusted Rose to stay in the house by herself for long periods of time, as long as Levy checked up on her every now and then.

"They must have went on a long request" Levy explained, but then a look of worry apeared "But they have been gone for a while. I might go look for them soon" Rose nodded. They continued talking for a short while when Akio and Cole came up to her.

"Hey Rose, hey Levy-san" Akio grinned, Cole just nodded his head as if to say hi. "

Hey" Rose said, Levy smiled at them "What's up"

"Ya know, the roof, the sky, the clouds" Akio smirked. Rose lightly hit him on the shoulder

"That's my thing" she winned jokingly. Akio just chuckled "But siriusly, what do you need?"

"Cole and I where going to go on a mission and where wondering if you wanted to join". Rose no longer hated Cole, but they weren't exactally friends. Rose concidered him more of an acquaintance.

"Where is it"

"In a place called Greyburn. It's only a couple of stops away from here..." Rose interupted him

"I can't. You know i'm not allowed to go on any missions outside of Magnoila by myself" she said sadly

"Oh yeah..." Akio said. He had forgotten "I'm sorry Rose..."

"It's not your fault" Rose told him

"Just go" Levy told Rose. Rose was shocked

"But Levy, my dad said...."

"Yes but your dad isn't here is he" Levy smirked "I am tecnically in charge of you, and I'm saying you can go. If your dad comes back I'll just tell him it was my decicion and take the blame". Rose jumped into Levy, knocking her off her chair and to the ground, with a hug.

"I LOVE you Levy" Rose squeeled. She turned to the boys."Meet you back here in half an hour"

"That's fine" Akio answered while Cole just nodded. Rose bolted out of the guild to her house. She took out the spare key and unlocked the door. She ran inside and started throwing things into a bag that she thought she might need. She started mumbling to herself as she packed

"Extra clothes, a blanket and sleeping bag for emergancy overnight camping, 5 books... better bring another 3 just in case...". When she was done packing, she could barley lift it. When she finally hoisted the bag into her shoulders she ran as fast as she could back to the guild to meet the boys. She was the first one to arrive. "For once in my life, I'm not late" Rose said to herself, grinning. A couple of minutes later the two boys arrived and the three headed to the train station. Rose would not stop talking the whole way."....I'm so excited, but i'm also really nervous I mean who wouldn't be if they where taking there very first job alone without any adults and i'm so scared we'll get on th rong train and end up in some random town and..." Cole finally interupted her.

Heart Made of Stone: Rose's Story - Sequel to 'The Baby'Where stories live. Discover now