Authors Note

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I know you guys probably hate me for not updating :( I am so very sorry and I know I give about a million excuses to you guys. I have prelims coming up (Do you guys have prelims? They are the before exams exam) and I need to study or I'll not get to do the exam, since i'm doing higher in almost all my subjects my teachers are all giving me 'the speech' "Prelims are coming up" "I expect you to study my subject 24/7 even though you have other subjects to study for" "You will not pass the exam if you don't study" URG! So I know it's not much but remember that idea I had before that I told you jellybeans about? The RoWen type one with the different dragon clans. I started writing that a today as I was sent home ill and, i'm not going to lie to you, I not sure if my 'evil plan' is a good one or if you guys will hate me forever for it. Anyway I wanted to give you all a preview before I upload it later on tonight. This is a promise I will keep! Once again I apologise for not updating Rose's Story and i'm sorry if you guys hate me :(

The day that the Sky and Lightning dragon clans came together was a happy day. Queen Grandeeney of the Sky Dragon clan and king Ivan of the Lightning Dragon clan where to be married. It was a day in history that would be remebered. The wedding was one of the most beautiful things that had ever been seen by anyone living. Grandeeney's young daughter Wendy, no older than 5, walked down before her mother as a beautiful flower girl while Ivan's 13 year old son Laxus stood beside him as one of his groomsmen. Wendy stood beside Laxus. She looked up at him with an innocent look in her eyes. Laxus smiled down at his new stepsister and ruffled her hair. Wendy then watched as her mother walked down the isle in a beautiful white wedding dress, her blue hair pulled up into a bun. She reached Ivan and looked at him lovingly, Ivan returning the look. It was the best day of both their lives. Together the two clans would become stronger and the two leaders would join to keep both of their captured monsters at bay.

After the ceremony came the party. It lasted half the night and almost no one went home sober. Wendy had fallen asleep at one of the tables half way through, exhausted from being up past her bedtime. Laxus sat at the same table as her. He rolled his eye. His new stepmother saw them both and came to talk to him. She laughed quietly at Wendy. "She's fast asleep already. Usually she would be arguing with me about going to her bed". Laxus chuckled.

"Well it has been a tiring day the little squirt". Grandeeny smiled at him, then her face turned serious.

"Laxus, I want you to promise me something" Laxus was slightly concerened about how Grandeeny was acting. In the time that his father had been dating her, she had never given him such a serious look.

"What is it?"

"I want you to promise that, no matter what, you will look after Wendy. She is my world". Laxus looked down at Wendy. He smiled at her as he brushed some hair away from her face. He looked up at Grandeeny, his face filled with determination.

"I promise, I will protect her with my life. We might not be related by blood but she's my sister now and nothing is going to happen to her" Grandeeny smiled at her stepson, knowing she could trust him to look after her daughter. They all lived as a happy family for years. Nothing could ever tare them apart. The two clans had forever been united and everything was perfect.

That was until Grandeeny grew gravily ill.


Heart Made of Stone: Rose's Story - Sequel to 'The Baby'Where stories live. Discover now