Chapter 20

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Hey guys! Sorry in not updating in FOREVER. I've been geeking out on World of Warcraft because I finally got to max level with my main :P I have LOTS to talk about

Firstly I got my exam results and.... I GOT AN A IN ENGLISH :D :D SO FREAKING HAPPY! I got an A in drama as well! I got a B in Media and a C in RMPS (Religous Moral and Philosophical studies). I failed Modern studies, but I expected that since I bairly ever paid any attention in that class.

Secondly, I'M SO EXCITED! I'm going to a comic con in Scotland :D I'm going as Levy! I'm even making my own costume.... And my friends and my friends bothers (they will buy there own material) :D SO HAPPY ("Aye sir!")

Thirdly, I need your help Jellybeans! I'm not very good at writing the kissy kissy stuff (yes that is what I am calling it :P ) I need your advice on how to write it! Thanks!

Lastly, school starts for me tomorrow (today if it is after midnight when this is published)so that means my updates will be even less regular. I know they have been really bad lately but that is because I have been ill for ages. I only have just figured out it's an allergic reaction to my deodorant :P 

Now ON WITH THE STORY (have slight writer block btw so this chapter might not be a too good :( )

It wasn't until nightfall that the two awoke. Cole had woken first. He slowly opened his eyes and groaned, shielding his eyes from the bright sunlight.

"What the hell happened" he asked as he saw Abby and Akio.

"We found you bloody and beaten" Akio explained getting Cole some water "What was the last thing you remember?"

"I remember waking up after being gased" Cole answered taking the water and taking a sip. I could find princess and then they beat me up and I blanked out till I woke up just now" Cole paused "Now I think about it where is princess?"

"Over here" Abby shouted over to him from where she was sitting. On the foor in front of her was Rose. Cole got up with the help of Akio and walked over to her, looking at her as he stood above her.

"Will she be ok?" Cole asked Abby very concerned. Abby nodded

"She'll be fine" Cole nodded in understanding before sitting down beside Abby. They all waited for Rose to wake up. As they waited Cole looked at Rose carfully. Her hair had fallen over her eye. It took everything for him not to brush it away. She looked peaceful, which rarely happened. Rose then began to stir.

Rose opened her eyes to 3 pairs of eyes staring down at her. "Um... morning?"

"More like night!" Abby shouted "you've been out all day! You've had us all worried sick!" Rose sat up.

"I'm completely fine" she assured everyone "What happened? I remember pain, then the pain stopped and I blacked out"

"Abby and I managed to bring you back here" Akio explained. Rose grabbed his shoulder and hoisted herself up to her feet.

"So when are we heading back?" she asked the group

"Seriously Rose" Abby said "You where attacked by an evil guild! You need rest you should not be worrying about..." Abby was cut off by Rose's communication lacrima going off.

"Hello" Rose said, answering.

"Hey squirt" Gajeel's voice could be heard "Where are you guys! You should be home by now" Rose hessitated slightly

"Um...we ran into a bit of trouble, but we are all fine" she panned the camera round to the other three who waved at the screen showing Gajeel's face. "It's late and we where going to head home tomorrow after camping out" Gajeel's face disapeared from the lacrima and Levy's appeared in his place. Levy had grabbed it off of Gajeel.

Heart Made of Stone: Rose's Story - Sequel to 'The Baby'Where stories live. Discover now