Chapter 23

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I know what I wrote last time was a tad childish with imaginary friends and everything but I was REALLY stuck for ideas :/ I couldn't think of ANYTHING! So I saw a chance and I grabbed it. Anyway, here is the next chapter!

It had been a week since Rose had made Miki become real. She was still hiding her from all the adults, mainly because of something Levy had said.


"Hey dad, Levy!" Rose said, running into the guild. She was going to show the whole guild Miki, but she wanted to show the two people she trusted most first

"What's up squirt" Gajeel asked, munching on iron. Rose grinned

"The sky, the clouds, the sun" Levy just rolled her eyes while Gajeel looked confused

"What do you need"Levy corrected Gajeel. Rose grinned

"How awesome would it be if you could bring your imaginary friends from when you where a kid to life" Levy frowned

"I don't think that would be a good idea to be honest" Rose frowned slightly

"Why not?"

"Because you don't like the same things you did as a child" Levy told Rose. "They would want to play a game from your childhood and you would just ignore it, hurting there feelings, evven driving them mad"

"Oh..." Rose said sadly "Well, that was it. See you guys later" and with that Rose ran back to the house where Miki was I must keep her hidden at all costs. If anyone finds her, they might make me get rid of her Rose thought

End Flashback

But as much as she hated to admit it the, Levy had been right. Miki just wanted to play childish princess games while Rose wanted to train and battle. It was not good for either of them.

Miki followed Rose to the guild hall. They stopped outside. Rose opened the backpack she was carring, making sure she had everything she needed. "Rose can we play?" Miki asked with a child like innocence. Rose turned to Miki and frowned.

"Miki I wish I could, I really do, but i'm going on a request with my friends"

"Can I come to" Miki asked. Rose shook her head.

"I really don't want you getting hurt" Rose told her. Miki frowned. Rose had not had time for her at all since she was made real.

"Oy princess!" Cole walked out of the guild. Rose rolled her eyes, a smile on her face.

"How long are you gonna call me that?" Cole just grinned

"Forever" Rose stuck her tounge out at him, a light blush playing on her cheeks.

"So where's Akio and Abby?" Rose asked curiously.

"You where taking too long so I told them to go a head while I waited" Cole explained. Rose's cheeks turned a bit more red. Cole didn't notice, Rose couldn't tell her cheeks where red. But one person did notice. Miki.

"Come on then, lets catch up before they get the train without us" Rose giggled. Then, without realising it, she grabbed Cole's hand and began to run. Miki saw Cole's face turn bright red as Rose dragged him away. Miki got very angry at this sight

So it's him that's been taking my Rose away from me! I will have to take care of this. Of him she thought, her once sparkling purple eyes turning blood red.

2 days later

Rose woke up. She had returned from her request with her friends last night. She slowly got out of bed and walked over to her wardrobe where she had been hiding Miki. "Miki time to wake up" Rose said yawning. But Miki was no where to be found. There was only a note. Rose picked up the note and read it. Her face paled . Rose quickly threw on the first thing she could find and began to run down the stairs. On the way down she met her Gajeel.

Heart Made of Stone: Rose's Story - Sequel to 'The Baby'Where stories live. Discover now