Chapter 18

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Hey guys. I am SO sorry I have been ill since I came back from holiday and I've been worrying about my exam results coming in (which is tomorrow). This will be a short chapter. Sorry Jellybeans :(

"Let me go!" Rose yelled at the woman holding her as she struggled against her grip. The woman got annoyed

"Shut it you little brat" she growled "If you ever want to see your friends again you'd better keep your trap shut" Rose went quiet. They now knew that these people had Akio and Abby.

"Where the hell are you taking us!" Cole asked

"Why would we tell you two" one of the men said to him.

"It's not like we're going anywhere or can tell anyone" Cole reasoned. The man thought about this

"Fine. You kids'll never escape us anyway. We're taking you to our boss. He hates your stupid little guild"

"Any reason?" Rose growled, annoyed

"Well sweetheart..."

"DON'T call me sweetheart" she shouted at him. The woman holding her gripped her arms tighter, sending a shooting pain down her arms

"I thought I told you to shut it you little brat" she growled in her ear "Do you value your life at all?". Rose was scared but refused to show it as they contiuned to walk in silence, Rose's question not being answered

Akio and Abby where thrown into a jail cell. The door was then locked and the people who captured them walked away. Akio, being used to it by now, instantly stood up. Abby, on the other hand, was frightened. She had never been in a situation like this before. She crawled over the wall, leant against it, and began to cry. She had never been in a situaton like this.

"Abby, don't worry" Akio said, sitting down and placing a hand on Abby's shoulder to console her.

"How can you be so calm " Abby sniffed

"You don't want to know how many times I've been trapped in a jail cell because some people are so unoriginal" Akio said glaring at what seamed like the ceiling.

"What are you glaring at?" Abby asked really confused

("I'm sorry Akio!" I told my computer screen. "I usually write this at 1 in the morning so I have no original idea's ok! Deal with it!")

Akio just shook his head and faced Abby again and shook his head "It doesn't matter. Anyway, yeah, i've been in in these thing many times"


"Lots of reasons" Akio told her "Lots of long stories" Abby smirked

"We've got time to kill" she told him "Wanna explain". Akio smiled and began telling Abby his life story.

Rose and Cole where thrown into a jail cell.

"What is it with evil dudes and ail cells?" Cole thought outloud, Rose shrugged

"Must be a thing" she said, although she knew the real reason

("I'm sorry!" I say once again "I'll think of something different next time!")

"So princess , how are we getting out of this one" Cole asked "Because i'm guessing they have anti-magic barriers" Rose nodded

"No idea" she told him "I doubt there wil be any passages here, that'd be way to easy" Cole agree.

"I wonder why the guild leader hates Fairy Tail so much" Rose said. Cole shrugged

"All I know is that Fairy Tail isn't gonna help us this time" he said to her "We have to figure this one out on our own or we will never be allowed in any requests ever again" Rose agreed. This time they where on their own....

A man in black robes sat on a thrown fit for a king. His hood covered his face, the only skin showing was his hands, which where covered in scars. A man and a woman entered the room.

"My liege" The woman spoke while both bowed "We have captured the fairy tail children like you ordered" The man smiled evily behind his hood

"Good" he said in a deep voice that echod around the chamber "make sure they stay captured, those kids have a habbit of slipping out of the grasp of their enemies"

"May I ask how you know, my liege" the man asked curiously. The man the smirked beneith his hood.

"Lets just say" he told them "that I have had experience"

Once again Jelly beans I am really sorry this chapter is so short. I will hopefully post another chapter tomorrow (Once I've stopped crying over my exams).

I have a question. Here in Scotland we get our exam results sent through the mail or by e-mail/text if you sign up. I was wonder what other exam systems are like I.e America. Can you tell how you guys get you're exam results?

Bye Jellybeans

Heart Made of Stone: Rose's Story - Sequel to 'The Baby'Where stories live. Discover now