Chapter 5

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"We're making progress!" Mira told Akio as she cleaned up the bar. Akio just started at her

"Seriously would you call 'making progess' them wanting to kill each other more than ever!" Akio looked behind him and saw Rose and Cole sitting at tables at either end of the room giving death glares at each other "I'n a week, instead of making them fall for each other, we've made them mortal enemies" Mira also looked at the two.

"Come on, it's not that bad..." Akio looked at her with a look that said 'Siriusly'. "Ok maybe we did much up this past week" Mira sighed, putting down the glass she was cleaning. "I just don't know where we went wrong

Day 1

Rose ran into the guild full of excitment. She scanned the room but could not find who she was looking for. She spotted Wendy sitting at a table and ran over to her. "Hey Wendy have you seen Romeo? He promised to train with me today" Wendy frowned

"I'm sorry Rose, Romeo has the flu. He's been throwing up since last night. He told me to tell you he's really sorry" Rose was slightly disappointed.

"It's fine, he can't help that he's ill. But can't you just heal him?"

"I tried. It didn't work. I've healed him so much on missions that he's become immune to it." Rose then grinned

"Will you train with me Wendy?" Wendy shook her head

"Sorry Rose but i'm off to visit Romeo after I've finished my drink. I want to see if I can help him feel better without having to heal him" Rose smirked

"I'm sure Romeo would love if you kissed him, that might make him feel better" Wendy went red.

"Rose, shut up! I do not like him like that"

"Your red face tells me different" Rose giggled before saying "Well tell Romeo I said get well soon. See ya later" Rose sighed as she walke away. She had no one to train with. Romeo was ill, Wendy was visiting him, and Akio was out with the rest of team Natsu. Gajeel went out on a mission (seriously?! Rose though How many missions does he have to go on) and all the others where either busy or S class, whom Rose was to scared to ask incase she was beated to a pulp. Rose sighed and walked up to the bar to talk to Mira

"Hey Rose" Mira smiled "what's up"

"I've got no one to train with" Rose told her "and i'm bored". Rose thought she saw a look on Mira's face but then decided she was imagining it.

"Why don't you ask Cole" Rose would have said no but she was to bored. She sighed

"Worth a shot" she got up and walked to Cole's table

"Hey Cole, do you wanna train with me?" Cole didn't even look at her

"I've told you before, no"

"Why!" Rose asked annoyed. Cole looked at Rose

"I thought your friend Akio would have told you. I don't fight girls" Rose glared at him

"He told me. I want to know why you're being sexist" Cole shrugged"

"That's just the way it is. Deal with it princess" Rose was slightly taken aback by the nickname, but none the less stormed off in annoyance.

(A/N I could think of any idea's for 2-6 but just imagine Mira and Akio trying to get Cole and Rose together and everytime it ends in them arguing and one of them storming off in a fit of rage)

Day 7

"Ready" Mira asked

"Are you sure this one will actually work " Akio questioned nervously. The whole week they had just made things worse instead of better and this plan was VERY riskey. They had placed magic mistletoe in the excact same spot that Rose and Mira had done when getting Lucy and Natsu together.

Heart Made of Stone: Rose's Story - Sequel to 'The Baby'Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora