Chapter 22

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Hello Jellybeans! I am sorry for not updating :( School had been taking EVERTHING out of me, plus homework and I haven't had the energy to do anything! I also had really bad writers block :( BUT I have LOTS of good news. At school we where given iPads and I downloaded the Wattpad app so I can write at school, shhh, don't tell my teachers ;) Joking! I won't write during class only at break and lunch :P ALSO I no longer have writers block thanks to a very special Facebook page. If you are on facebook I highly suggest you like her! Her name is Winky The Unwillingly Free Elf. She is awesome. She gave me the idea from a post she put up. She doesn't even know I exsist though so she doesn't even know i'm tellng you to like her..... oh well :P ON WITH THE STORY!

Rose, Akio, Cole and Abby where sitting around the guild hall.

"I'm bored" Rose moaned, as she lay her head on the table.

"Read a book then princess" Cole told her, annoyed. Rose had been complaining about being bored ever minute for the past 10 minutes

"I've read all my books a billon times!" Rose said "And I can't be bothered to go and buy new ones because effort" Although the others where irritated by Rose's constant moaning, they where all bored. There where no good requests on the board, and all the other had gone on all the good requests.

"How about we ask each other random questions" Abby suggested. They all agreed as there was nothing better to do. "I'll start! Would you rather be attacked by 50 duck sized horses or 1 hore sized duck"

"That's a weird question" Akio said to Abby

"Me and my granddad play a game where we would ask weird questions like this all the time" she responded with a giggle. They continued to ask random questions. It was Roses turn.

"What imaginary friend did you have when you where younger and what age did you forget them?" she asked

"Mine was a bit childish, but then again, I was only 4" Abby giggled "I had a little fairy friend who had a dress made out of a red rose head and a leaf crown. She could become human size, but I mainly added that feature because I thought I would sit on her. I forgot her when I was about 8, I can't remember why though"

"My imaginary friend was knight" Akio smiled "I remember I made him really brave because of how timid I was in the jail cell. He alwasy told me to stay stong. I forgot about him the day I joined Fairy Tail because I guess I didn't need him anymore"

"I didn't have an imaginary friend" Cole shrugged, the others stared at him wide eyes

"Seriously?" Rose said "Every child has an imaginary friend at some point" Cole shrugged again.

"I might have had one when I was, like, 2 but I can't remember ever having one. What about you princess" Rose smiled

"She was a girl that had cat ears and a cats tail" Rose giggled "She was my best friend. We did everything together. I guess I forgot about her when my dad came home after 7 years. I guess the only reason I had her is because I missed my dad and Romeo was to depressed at that point and I had bairly anyone to speak to" Rose frowned slightly. "Now I remember her, I really miss having her around" Cole scoffed

"It was an IMAGINRAY friend" he pointed out. Rose glared

"She was a big piece of my childhoofd" she then sighed, standing up "I'm bored. I'm going to the library. Abby, wanna come?". Abby checked the clock on the wall and frowned. "I wish I could but I promised Ojīchan I would be home early". Abby got up and picked up her bag. "Bye guys"

"See you later" the other 3 responded with. After Abby left Rose turned to the other two

"How about you two, wanna come to the library?".

Heart Made of Stone: Rose's Story - Sequel to 'The Baby'Where stories live. Discover now