Chapter 10

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Yes I know I gave RoLe a moment in the last chapter. I will try and give RoKio a moment in this chapter to keep everyone happy :) I'm going to come up with fun chapters where th three can bond (kinda like th golden trio!) until the poll is over (because someone complained about the love triangle. Don't worry, I hated that idea myself, don't know why I even suggested it) LETS GO JELLYBEANS!

"Mirajane Struss!" Rose yelled as she stormed into the guild, th other following behind her.

"Hello minna, we're back" Wendy said smiling, but everyone was to focued on Rose about to go mental at Mira.

"Hello Rose. Did the mission go well"

"Don't act all sweet with me" Rose growled. "Private talk. In th kitchen. Now." Mira and Rose went into the kitchen behind the door. Before they could start talking, Rose stormed out the kitchen, grabbed Akio by the ear and dragged him in as well. "You two have some explaining to do. What the hell did Akio mean, Mirajane, when he told me you ship me and Cole" Mira turned to Akio, her demon soul emerging.

"You told her" Mira growled. Akio flelt like crying. He was stuck in hell with two demons.

"I...I didn't mean to Mira, honest!" Akio stuttered "They where having a, what did you call it, a moment, and It kinda came out".

"Mira you know the rules about shipping a shipper"

"Yeah, what about you!" Mira growled "Aiko told me you ship me with Laxus""

What!" Rode turned to Akio. She was pee'd. After alot of arguing and tears (mostley Akio's) Mira and Rose made up, agreeing that getting involved in each others love lives was a bad idea (not that it would stop them from doing so). Rose went up to the request board. She did a quick scan to see if there where any jobs avalible in Magnoila. If not I'll just pop by the coffee shop and see if they need help Rose thought to herself. Rose's eyes fell on a weird request. It had a bunch of weird characters and symbols that she recognised from reading some of Levy's books and read 'Translate Me!' She picked it off and went to sit at a table (she would tell Mira that she had it later. She was still in a bit if a mood with her). She started to translate the characters she knew. She then took a book out of her carry bag. She had packed it in case they had came across any strange ruiens while searching for the monster. Luckily, it had the characters that she didn't recognise. Rose relised it was latin. She began to read it out. "Vobis et transibit..."

"Hey Rose, what you up to?" Akio asked, looking over Rose's shoulder. Rose ignored him and contiuned to read

"...hora quinque corporibus...". Cole over heard what Rose's was saying. Knowing a touch of latin himself, he knew what Rose was reading out. It was a curse

"Princess, stop" he yelled running over to Akio and Rose. Rose ignored him also and completed the spell "...personam proximi" (A/N I used google translate for the latin so i'm not sure how acurate it is). All of a sudden the paper began to shine. Rose blocked her eyes so it wouldn't blind her. Then, Rose, Cole and Akio where thrown back. They all smacked into walls at different ends of the guild. A ruckus was created. Everyone rushed to a different persons side. Levy ran to Rose (once again Gajeel was no where to be seen :( ).

"Rose are you ok?" she asked worried, kneeling beside her. Rose opened her eyes. She looked around before looking at her and her hair. She groaned

"Rose what the hell did you do!" she said, looking at the two boys. Levy was confused.

"What do you mean, you're..."

"What do you mean what did I do" Akio said getting up. "All I did was... wait, what the hell is up with my voice?" Everyone was getting confused, until Levy realised.

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