Chapter 26

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OK JELLYBEANS! have decieded that I will make myself update more often. I have the Wattpad app on my school iPad so I can write at breaks and lunch and even in class (shhh, don't tell my teachers ;) ) So if I ever stop updating for a long period of time without any explanation I WANT YOU TO COMMENT THE HELL OUT OF MY STORIES AND TELL ME TO GET OFF MY LAZY BUTT AND WRITE ALREADY!! Love you all <3

"Me and Cupid are going into the market tomorrow" Jane told Rose and Cole as she served them some dinner. They explained they had saw and heard everything about Cupid so Jane did not have to come up with a lie about who the man was. "Would you like to come along"

"We'd love to" Rose smiled politely, then thanked Jane for the food. Cole copied. "We will of course stay out of your way when you are trying to find your true love" Jane's cheeks turned a light pink.

"I don't think I'll ever be that lucky" she sighed and turned to them with a smile "So when did you two get together". This comment made Cole choke on the water he had been drinking and turn so red he would have put Erza's har to shame. Rose froze for a moment. When Rose came to her senses she talked

"We're not together" she told her "Just really good friends. Best friends thats it" Cole's face fell. Jane smiled and giggled softly.

"Really? I never would have guest you two weren't a couple". There was an awkward silence between the two for the rest of dinner, Cole red in the face and Rose pink in the cheeks. When dinner ended both of them said goodnight to jane and headed up the stairs. hey got to their rooms and mumbled a quick goodnight to each other before both going quickly into their rooms ad shutting the door.

Cole stood with his back to the door. He began to slide down it and ended up sitting against the door with his still red face in his hands. Why did my heart beat faster when Jane mentioned us being together he though And why was I disapointed when Princess told her we where just friends. Cole shook his head, trying to get all the werid thoughts he was thinking out of his head. He stood up and walked over to the bed. He stripped down to just his boxers, as that is what he would be wearing a pajammas since Jane had no male pajammas. Rose was lucky enough to be able to borrow some. He got under the covers and almost instantly fell asleep.

A scream was heart throughout the house. Cole jolted awake. Forgetting he was in only his boxers, he ran to the source of the sound. It was Janes room. He was just about to open the door when he felt a tug on his arm. He turned to see Rose standing with a light yellow nightgown on. His cheeks turned a light pink. She gestured for his to move away. He obayed since she knew what was going on in this book and he didn't. They got back to where their doors where in the hallway. "Why the hell was she screaming?" Cole asked quietly

"This is the part of the book where Jane feels really lonley and wishes to not be. Cupid randomly apears in her room, that was why she screamed because she wasn't expecting it" Rose got a dreamy expression on her face "Then they talk for hours until Jane falls asleep and in the book he moves a piece of hair from her face to behind her ear and smiles and it's so Kawaii!". Cole just rolled his eyes at her silent fangirling. He thought it was adorable. He then yawned and streached. He could tell it was still night. "Um Cole" Rose mumbled. He saw her looking at the floor, a faint pink brushing her cheeks. He was confused at first but then remembered he was just standing in his boxers. His face went red with embarassment. Just then Rose giggled, looking him in the eyes.

"I see Gray in just his boxers constantly in the guild" she giggled softly "So really this shouldn't phase me" A half smile apeared on Cole's face. The both said goodnight once again and went into their rooms. Cole fell asleep quickly, his dreams being filled with Rose...


Abby and Akio exited the train and began to walk to the address of the request-giver.

"We can get this done in a day" Akio sad out loud "This should be easy"

"'Should' being the key word" Abby said quietly but Akio heard her. He stopped and looked at her.

"What do you mean?"

"Well whenever we take a request something bad always happens" Abby remaked, looking at the ground in embarasment that Akio had heard. "I didn't bring any of my medicine petals with me. Knowing my luck, I'll probably end up dead or something" she said light-heartedly. Akio took her head in both his hands and said with a serious expression

"Don't say that". Abby smiled lightly

"It was a joke Akio" Akio let go of her face and turned away, but turned back with a small smile.

"Sorry" he said "I just don't like it when people make jokes about death, especially you Abby. I don't know what I would do without you" and with that he carried on. Abby was frozen for a while, then ran to catch up, her face cherry red.


Rose woke up in the morning feeling refeshed. She yawned and streached. She got up and found that Jane had left a change of clothes on the chair on the other side of the room. It consisted of a red t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Rose smiled and made a mental note to thank Jane at breakfast. When she was changed she quickly ran down the stairs, jumping the last three and landing cat-like at the bottom. She walked into the kitchen to see Jane sitting at the table and Cupid wearing a pink frilly apron, cooking some breaksfast. Rose internally giggled. This was exactally how I pictured this in my head when I first read this book she though. Jane turned around and noticed Rose standing at the door. She smiled kindley.

"Good morning Rose. Did you sleep well?" she asked. Rose nodded politely

"Very well thank you. And thank you for laying out these clothes for me. You are to kind"

"Don't mention it" Jane giggled "I guess it's just nice having a girl around. "Well having anyone around really is nice. Since I live here alone, I don't usually get to do things like this" Rose nodded in understanding. They then heard the sound of heavy footsteps coming down the stairs. Rose could only asume it was Cole, hopefully fully clothed this time she thought as her cheeks went slightly pink. Sure enough a fully clothed Cole walked into the kitchen. He smiled at Jane and Rose (a light blush on his cheeks) and took a seat.

"Morning sleepy head" Rose said rolling her eyes at Cole's bedhead "What happened, did some rats decided to nest in your hair last night" Cole glared at first, but it was quickly replaced with a smirk.

"Well I would have gotten a better nights sleep if you didn't snore so loud". It was Rose's turn to glare

"I do not snore" she growled, Cole just chuckled

"I can tell you're not a morning person Princess". Jane looked at them both suspiciously

"Are you sure you two aren't a couple?" she questioned "It's just, you act very couple like for not being a couple with the cute teasing and everything". Both Cole and Rose turned very red and started burting out excuses

"I promise you we aren't a couple..."

"Their is no way in hell..."

"It's that stupid nickname isn't it? I can explain..."

"She really does snore..."

"I do not!"

"Breakfasts ready" Cupid announced , ending the argument before it started. He placed a plate of food in front of everyone and they all began to tuck in.

"This is delicious!" said Cole after swallowing his first bite

"I agree" Jane said. Rose also agreed, but just nodded her head as she was to busy eating to say anything. Cole just rolled his eyes To much like her father he though. "Where did you learn to cook like this?" Jane then asked. Cupid smiled

"You wouldn't believe how many men and woman that I have helped can't cook at all. I usually cook their food for house dates so that nothing can muck up" Jane just smiled. They quickly finished breakfast and all helped to clear everything up. After brushing their teeth (Jane had some emergency toothbrushes) they all decided it was the perfect time to head to the market. Cole and Rose walked as far away as possible from each other, still embarassed about breakfast.

Heart Made of Stone: Rose's Story - Sequel to 'The Baby'Where stories live. Discover now