Chapter 17

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Sorry I haven't been updating. I've not been very well and I have mostly been sleeping. I started writing this chapter 3  days ago.

Was watching LOK and found out Zaofu is a city of metal. Gajeel's dream city lol :P Finished watching LOK and was upset that there was no more avatar :( BUT THEN I DESCOVERED 2 THINGS
1) They might bring back LOK in a comic
If you guys want I can leave the link in the comments, that is if it will let me, to the comic if you guys haven't read it but it's up to you NOW LETS GOT ON TO THE STORY

They had been walking for hours and had still found nothing. It was getting late and everyone was become a bit irritable

"Why can't we find it" Rose complained

"I agree with Rose, we have been walking this path forever!" Abby agreed dragging her feet

"That's an exageration" Akio told her, slightly annoyed at the girls whining "We've only been waking for a few hours"

"Try 5 hours" Rose said

"Will you all shut up, all this whining and arguing is giving me a head ache" Cole growled. Rose then stopped sighing

"I think we are all just tired from non-stop walking. It's getting really late, maybe we should set up camp" Akio nodded

"I agree with Rose". They four began to take out the sleeping bags they had brought.

"I've never camped before" Abby said smiling "this is gonna be fun!". They all fell asleep quickly.

Rose awoke the next morning to the sound of singing birds. She yawned and sat up streaching. She looked around to see Akio and Abby where no where to be found. She saw that Cole was still asleep. She looked and saw that the sleeping bags and rucksacks where still there, but there was no sign of the two. Rose began to worry, she went over to Cole and began to wake him.

"Cole, wake up" she said softly, gentally shaking him. He didn't respond "Cole" she said louder. She continued to try and wake him up, but nothing worke. Finally she got annoyed and covered him in snow. Cole bolted awake. He looked at Rose and glared.

"What the hell was that for princess" he growled tiredly, his hair sticking out everywhere. It took Rose all her strength not to burst out in laughter.

"Have you seen Akio and Abby?" she asked, Cole rubbed him eyes.

"I just woke up, do you think I've seen them?"

"Sorry Mr. Grumpypants" Rose muttered, before looking around. "Where do you think they've wandered off to then?". Cole shrugged

"Maybe Akio finally confessed his love for her and now they've ran away to live happily ever after" Cole said jokingly as he got up.

"This is serious!" Rose told him "they could be in trouble. Maybe we should go look for them"

"I'm sure they're fine princess" Cole ran his hand through his hair, fixing his bed head "They've probably gone ahead of us"

"But they've left all there things" Rose then pointed out, gesturing to there sleeping bags and rucksacks.

"Would you stop getting so worried over nothing" Cole told her

"I'm gonna go search the forest". Rose went off into the forest to have a look around, but the two where no where to be found. When she finally gave up and headed back to where they all camped, she saw that Cole had packed everything up. "I couldn't find them" She told him.

"Let's get a move on" he said, picking up his bag "We'll leave something in case they come back looking for us". Rose picked up a stick and drew a symbol. A triangle with a circle in the triangle and a line right down the middle. Cole was confused.

"What does it mean?" He asked her. Rose just smiled

"Abby will understand. She loves reading just us much as I do" she then picked up her bag and Also Abby's while Cole took Akio's and his own. "Lets go"

Last Night

Akio awoke to a strange rustling sound. He slowly opened his eyes. It was still night. Akio sat up and got a water bottle out his bag and took a drink. He was about to go back to sleep when he heard the rustling again. He then heard footsteps. He lay down and pretended to be asleep, his eyes watching the bushes. He saw feet coming out of the forest area. He sat up slightly as to see what they where doing. They where heading towards the others. One of the men grabbed Abby. He felt a wave of rage go though him. He threw fire at the guy. He looked at Akio, who was now standing, called at the other guys. They all ran away, taking Abby with them. Akio ran after the men

"Come back here cowards!" he yelled. He could here muffled screaming, which he assumed was Abby's. The men stopped and faced him

"What you gonna do to save your girlfriend now fire wizard" the man carrying Abby sneared. Akio turned bright red at that comment. "We're in a forest and your fire could burn the whole place down". Akio sighed, knowing he couldn't do anything. One of the men came over and grabbed Akio by the arm. He went willingly, hoping he could find another way to free Abby and himself from these people.

Present time

Rose and Cole walked down the path together, keeping an eye out for Akio and Abby.

"I hope they'll be ok" Rose muttered. Cole heard her and sighed

"Look princess, i'm sure they will be fine. Akio is strong and so is Abby. They can look out for themselves"

"I know, I'm just worried!"

"Look, I'm sure they'll catch up to us soon" Cole said trying to lift her spirits. Rose glared at him.

"You're not worried at all are you" Rose shouting. Cole began to get angry.

"Of course i'm worried" he said shouting back "I just have faith that they are strong enough to get themselves out of what ever situation they are in. Do you not trust them"

"Of course I trust them" she yelled "I can still be worried can't I" All of a sudden, a bunch of men and woman came out of the forest and grabbed them both.

"Next time you two have a couples fight, you may wanna keep it down!" The man holding Cole said

"WE DON'T GO OUT!" they both yelled simotaniously. They people then dragged them off into the forest. From the corner of her eye, Rose could see the guild mark of the woman holding her. It was two snakes intertwining

"King Cobras"

I'm sorry this is so short, i'm still not feeling 100%. I will try and make the next chapter longer. Night all

Heart Made of Stone: Rose's Story - Sequel to 'The Baby'Where stories live. Discover now