Chapter 15

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Rose awoke the next day in her bed. She got up and walked down the stairs, rubbing the sleep out her eyes. She looked in the living room and kichen. Gajeel wasn't there. Rose began to panic. She went up to the bathroom, but the door was open with no signs of Gajeel. Finally, Rose crept up to the door of Gajeel's bedroom that he shared with Lily and silently opened the door. When she fully opened the door she saw a made bed. Panicing, Rose ran through to her room, threw on the first thing she found, ran a brush through her hair and ran out the door towards the guild. She opened the doors and found the guild pitch black. When she finally found the lightswitch, she turned it on and....

"SURPISE!" Rose jumped. She looked to see (almost) everyone in the guild. The guild had balloons everywhere

"What?" Rose said confused. She spotted a grinning Gajeel

"Since we didn't get to celebrate your birthday yesterday because of everything going on, we decided to celebrate today" he explained. Rose squealed loudly. She ran at Gajeel and gave him a hig before running off to join the fun. About 5 minutes in, she began looking around.

"Hey Rose, who you looking for?" Abby asked coming up beside her.

"I can't see Akio anywhere" Rose said frowning.

"He's still in the ward" Abby told her.

"Thanks Abby"

"No problem!". At that Abby went to watch a fight that had started between Natsu and Gray. Rose just giggled at her worried face. She doesn't get it yet Rose thought She'll soon understand that fighting is apart of Fairy Tail. Rose made her way up the stairs and into the wards. She opened the door and saw Akio sitting up. She ran in and jumped on him, giving him a hug. Akio started to turn purple.

"Rose... need oxygen... to live..." Rose let go of Akio who gasped for breath. She then slapped his non-injured shoulder, hard. "OW! What was that for"

"Don't you EVER worry me like that again" Rise told Akio in a motherly tone "You're lucky Abby arrived, or you'd be dead!" Akio face turned red

"W..what" he stuttered "A..Abby is h..hear" Rose just grinned

"Yup, you lovesick fool"

"I am not" he yelled at her quickly before clearing his voice and saying "I mean, have no idea what you're talking about" Rose just smirked

"Sure. Now do you think your well enough to join everyone. They all threw a party because they missed my birthday yesterday"

"Oh I forgot we never celebrated" Akio said sadly "Of course i'm well enough" Rose grinned

"Great" she said as she opened the door "you'll find me with the love of your life" she closed the door and thought she heard Akio's faint voice shout

"Shut up!!!" Rose just giggled and ran down to find Abby. She found Abby sitting at a table reading.

"Hey Abby" Rose said sitting down. Abby looked up from her book

"Hello" she said. She put a bookmark in her book and placed it down

"So what are you reading?" Rose asked

"It's this awesome book about...." and at that Abby went off on a mini rant about the book she was reading which ended with "...And THAT is why they need to get together."

"Hey maybe you can help me and Mira with projects Gruvia, ElfGreen and Rowen, and my own super secret project called Miruxas" Abby squealed

"I would love too!" she told Rose. Rose saw Akio over Abby's shoulder. He looked over at her. She smiled and waved. He returned it and went to sit with Cole. Abby turned towards Akio, then looked at Rose.

Heart Made of Stone: Rose's Story - Sequel to 'The Baby'Where stories live. Discover now