Volume 5: Alone? Or Lonely?

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Toma Shizuko POV

After seeing the person I thought I saw, everything went black, but it was only for a moment. I lost my senses, but then slowly got them back as I opened my eyes to see that I was in the garden again. How was I here when I was clearly awake? And for some odd reason, I didn't feel flustered or shocked or any type of extracurricular emotions. 

"Back already?" 

The winds picked up, as if indicating a massive presence was approaching. To my left, Yuko-san was in her dress, unlike last time when she was wearing gardening gear, and had an umbrella with her. 

"Why are you here? You've never been here during the day."

"I don't know." 

"Sigh...Well since you're here anyway, would you care for a cup of tea? Nao-chan and I were just about to have a little chat." 

"That'd be nice."

"Head to the sitting area, I'll go get the tea set." Yuko-san said before turning around to walk elsewhere. 

I went towards the sitting area, where Nao-san was peacefully humming a song alongside the strong breeze. She looked quite pale, even though her eyes were covered, for some reason I feel like she was frowning about something.  And that tune...I recognize it. 

It's what mother used to sing when we were young.

"Where did you learn that tune, Nao-san?"

"Hm? Shizuko-san is that you? You're here after such a short duration this time." She said.

"Yes, and I don't really understand why."

"To answer your question though, Yuko-san taught it to me." 

Yuko-san did? Perhaps she still shares a few memories of mother with me, it's possible Nao-san herself does as well.

"It's quite a peaceful sounding tune, don't you think?" I asked, sitting down beside her.

"Yes, I agree. It's perfect for whenever one needs to calm down or go to sleep." Nao-san.

"Peaceful like this garden. Yuko-san has done a wonderful job of taking care of this place."

"The flowers smell very nice. Unfortunately I'm unable to behold the beauty of the garden, I can't see anything."

"Which is why you decided to go on a wheelchair."

"I didn't want to ruin Yuko-san's work. Even if I can't see, I can speculate the effort she put into this garden." 

"Now that I'm thinking about it. Do the two of you ever eat or sleep?"

My flustered state from seeing mother was gone now, but I still understand that I did indeed see it. However, though Nao-san during our first meeting in my room was sobbing, she wasn't outright crying. All of our emotions are being suppressed here, and for some reason I'm theorizing that it's my mind regulating the information I've been exposed to.

"We don't. Although we do eat a few snacks like scones and biscuits, we don't eat any actual main course meals like breakfast, lunch and dinner. As for sleep, we don't ever feel tired either." 

So this really is just an imaginary world where all of our human habits are either reduced or taken away. 

"You two been getting along well?"

Yuko-san came up to us with a cart in tow, with a tea set and a few biscuits on top of the cart. I got up from my seat and moved Nao-san's wheelchair so that she'd be facing the table. 

COTE: Mysterious Siblings(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now