The Death Game.

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"Ugh..." Y/N groaned as he opened his eyes, his face breaking from its slumber on his arm. "What...?" He then began to take in what was around him... he was in a classroom. An empty classroom, anyways. For a moment, he had thought that he fell asleep in class but then he realised something. First of all, there was an odd security camera. At first glance, having a security camera in a classroom isn't that unusual. However, the camera became odd combined with something else strange... The windows were covered by iron plates, clearly firm and tight where they were. He doubted very much if he would even be able to get them off. "Hm... I had no clue that Hope's Peak Academy was this tight when it came to security." Something else was in the room on the desk he supposedly fell asleep on: some kind of cheap-looking pamphlet with something written on it. 

"The next semester is about to start. Starting today, this school will be your entire world."

Y/N paused for a moment, unsure of what to think about this. 

"Huh... Is this some kind of sick joke?" He asked out loud, and obviously no answer came. Y/N looked at the clock at the top of the wall behind the teacher's desk, and then he remembered that there was a meeting at 8. ...It was 8:03AM. "Crap." Setting his sights on the door, he rushed out of the classroom, now finding himself in a strange hallway.  Confused was a word to describe Y/N right now, but he simply chose to ignore whatever questions he had for now and decided that the best thing to do was find the other students... or should he say "Ultimates". He knew that there was a main hall somewhere, so Y/N felt like that would be the best place to go to. Up ahead, Y/N could see a sign reading, "Despair Hotel". He assumed that this would be a place where they could sleep, and concentrated on the task at hand... finding his classmates. After nodding to himself, he did just that. While exploring the school, he also came across some red door which he couldn't open and other strange things such as a taped off zone. Considering the fact that they were new, it could just be seen as the school restricting areas temporarily. Y/N didn't fall for this though – there was definitely something up and it was not the sky. Moving on, he reached the main hall, and fortunately, there were the other Ultimates. Nonetheless, his arrival seemed to have interrupted their conversation as all eyes turned to face him. 

"Hm, another new student...?" He had someone say as he faced his fellow ultimates nervously. There was some guy who looked strong and had some odd hair, while another student had long white hair and a scar across what he assumed was their tanned skin. He also saw a girl with strawberry blonde hair, who seemed slightly familiar to him, and a girl with blue hair and blue eyes, also giving him the sense of familiarity from her. A girl who caught his attention was one in some kind of black dress...? She had red eyes and pale skin. She also gave him the "I spend a lot of time on my looks" feeling and he personally thought her outfit was gothic. Y/N did personally like the look, but it was hardly the time to be admiring how a girl looked... As he looked around more, he noticed some girl that gave him the impression that she was shy, and there was also a boy who looked far too kind to be in this kind of environment. There was also a boy with white hair and red eyes, a boy with blue hair and green eyes, and finally a boy with blond hair and brown eyes. For some reason, he had a feeling he'd seen those three boys before, but shook it off. After looking at everyone, he believed that there was around... 17? No, 18 of them, excluding himself of course. 

"Aha, another truant!" Some boy with short, spiky and black hair, also having red eyes, suddenly said. "The instructions said 8 o'clock sharp!" The boy's attitude made Y/N uncomfortable, making his hand reach for the right pocket of his hoodie which was where his mask was... but he stopped himself mid way. 

"Uh... I'm sorry?" Y/N "apologised" in half bewilderment. 

"Seriously?" The white haired boy with red eyes asked. "Wasn't it already established by whatever the fashion girl's name is that no one here, except you of course, actually cares about being on time?" 

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