The Cold Revival And Y/N's Memories...

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Earlier that day...

He opened his eyes. It was cold, freezing in fact... There was a cloth over him, so he weakly pulled it off and scrunched it up so that it was smaller. He silently shivered, his entire body shaking as he tried to move. However, he soon came to realise that... he was in some kind of... box? It was hard to tell — the cold temperature of the 'box' was even attacking his eyes. What he did know was that he had barely enough room to lie down. Again, the boy shivered as he tried to think. What happened? Why was he in here...? He felt around with his feet, and felt some... ice? Perhaps glass that had frozen from the cold temperature. Thinking that it was going to be easy to break, he tried to kick the ice and smash it. Nonetheless, this didn't work. It may have been weakened by the cold temperature, but so did he. He could barely feel his legs, barely feel them moving. He was too weak... Mustering up all of his remaining strength after multiple attempts, feeling his cold breath brush against his skin, he gave it all he had and kicked it one last time. And it swung open as he found himself quickly getting out of his little 'prison', going so fast that he collapsed as he did so... 

???: Ugh... Where... am... I...? 

He let out that low mutter, taking a lot of his strength due to his state, and forced himself up, feeling his legs wobble as he tried to keep his balance. It was like his legs were just sticks now, too weak to even do much. Those multiple attacks on whatever was blocking him earlier had definitely taken its toll on his legs, so he had to force his legs to move, which wasn't the most pleasant experience. In his blurry vision, he could make out a door, so that was where he was heading towards. Every step was forced, because he knew he could collapse at any moment. In fact, if he wasn't careful, then he could probably fall unconscious... So the boy arrived at the blurry door and felt around it, using his blurry sight and hands to find the handle. He pulled on it, but to no avail. Instead, he pushed. Nothing. The door... It was locked. Sitting down and resting his back on a wall, feeling a bit of despair, he closed his eyes, trying to think of what he could do to get out...


???: ...Overlord? Why are you calling me Overlord? 

Y/N: You said you didn't like your name...

???: When someone says they don't like their name, it doesn't mean you have to give me a nickname like that...

Y/N: But why not? It sounds really cool!

???: Does it now? Well, I... Wait, where did you even learn that word? You're like six or seven, so I'm now concerned for you.

Y/N: I think I heard Daddy (I swear to god if someone makes this weird then I'm going to be mad) saying it once, and I thought that you might like to be called it...

???: Now I'm curious on what the context was behind saying that word... Anyway, you really like that word then? 

Y/N: Yeah, it really fits you! 

???: All right, then I suppose you can start calling me it. 

Y/N: Yay!

His big brother didn't really show it, but he was... happy. He was letting out a small smile, though. Y/N was smiling as well...

Overlord: Oh boy, your persistence and stubbornness sure is annoying...


Persistence... Stubbornness... He took several deep breaths, got up from the previous position he was in, and tried the door again. And again, it didn't work. 

Y/N: Monokuma...! Monokuma, I know that you can hear me! Let me out! 

However, the boy's yells proved to be futile, because as far as his blurred vision could see, there seemed to be no camera in sight. Nonetheless, there was a table with some kind of green booklet on it. He picked the booklet up and then read through...

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