The Different Types Of Love.

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"Taeko... Yasuhiro...?" Zion repeated, probably because he's never heard that name before. "Damn it, it's no one here..."

"Exactly," Y/N replied. "So now you can stop annoying me about Celeste and me."

"Hm... Hm... Okay, fine," Zion responded, but Y/N had a feeling he would still annoy him about it. 

"Can I go now?" he asked, and Zion sighed.

"Yeah, yeah, you can go," he answered, perhaps feeling disappointed that he didn't get the answer he was expecting. Zion walked away and as Y/N watched him go, he let out a sigh of relief and then thought about who to spend some time with today. The first person he thought of was Celeste, who was still in the dining hall unlike most people. Taking one final deep breath, he walked over to her, watching her as she sipped her (most likely) milk tea. Hifumi must have made it for her... 

"Hello, Celeste," he greeted with a smile. Y/N didn't know why but he was in a good mood today. 

"Celestia... Ludenberg..." she said to herself before sipping her tea again. "Celestia... Ludenberg." Heh? 

"Why are you repeating your name...?" he asked with intrigue, wondering what the motive was for that. 

"No matter how many times I hear it, I'm never tired of hearing my own name," Celeste explained. "Isn't it so splendidly charming?"

"I've got to agree with that, but I get the impression that 'Celestia Ludenberg' is not your real name," Y/N answered. "Well, that's what Makoto thinks, anyways. And I think I believe him on that one. So why'd you pick that name?"

"I did not pick  it," she answered. "My name was given to me by my mother and father..."

"So, Celestia Ludenberg is really your real name?" he asked. "Are you sure?"

"It is, indeed, my real name. Make no mistake about that," she replied.

"Hm... So then your parents gave you that name?"

"That's right. My father is French nobility, and my mother is part of a German family of musicians." Okay, I hate to say it but I have a feeling she's lying about that one... I'll just play along anyways...

"I see, so were you born in France or Germany?" 

"Tochigi," Celeste answered, and Y/N could tell that she wasn't lying about that. "I was born in the capital of Tochigi, which is known for its delicious gyoza. Do you know of which city I speak?" Y/N paused for a moment, deep in thought, and then nodded. 

"It's Utsunomiya, right?"

"That is correct. You have proven you are roughly as intelligent as an elementary school student."

"I'm pretty sure my intellect goes beyond that, but okay," Y/N replied, accepting whatever she said at this point. 

"You may be surprised to learn that I absolutely adore gyoza," she shared with him. "I love its stench, its base vulgarity. So as you can imagine, I'm quite disappointed that I will never taste my hometown's gyoza again." 

"I guess that's one of the things you'll have to adapt to never having again," Y/N responded. "Of course, the others are determined to get out, which I doubt will happen, but if it ever does happen, then how about we go out and eat gyoza together in your hometown?" 

"We will never get out of here," she responded. "But it would have been lovely." Y/N smiled — she must have enjoyed the conversation they had. He was sure that they had grown closer that day, and appreciated that she opened up to him a little. Y/N spent some more time with her that day, and before he knew it, it was already the afternoon. Celeste said that she would need to get to other things she had to do, and as she left, Y/N felt a twinge of disappointment inside of him, like he wanted to spend more time with her. Sighing, he then decided to look for Walker. It didn't take long to find him, because he was actually in the kitchen, examining all of the food. 

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