Pursuit the Cornered!

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Genocide Jill: What, the difference between the cases? You want me to explain it again!? When I want to kill, I use my very own special scissors! And I use those same scissors to arrange the body!

Celeste: But... Chihiro was suspended with... It was some kind of rope, was it not?

Taka: That's right! It absolutely was!

Hifumi: Then there must be something very fishy indeed about that rope...!

Mondo: Hey, Byakuya! Where'd you get it from, huh?

Byakuya: I'd never seen that rope before in my life...

Y/N: Oh, really? Are you sure about that one, Byakuya? Because after all... You should have seen the rope before... or should I say the extension cord!?

Hifumi: What!? An extension cord!?

Y/N:  In other words, Byakuya has seen the extension cord before... because he's definitely used it! As we all know, Byakuya's been reading his mystery novel in the library lately... He also uses the lamp to assist him in his reading, and the problem with where the lamp was was that the plug would never get to the outlet, therefore he would need to use an extension cord! And we can all agree that we've seen him using the lamp before, so would you so kindly explain? Oh, and just so you all know, the extension cord just so happens to be missing now, right after the murder! So, not only would Byakuya realise that the extension cord was gone, but he should have also noticed that it was being used to suspend the dead body! 

Taka: Then Byakuya must be the one who took the extension cord! I can't imagine any other possibility!

Byakuya: ... That's really what you think? Then your conclusion is something like this...? I killed Chihiro in the girls locker room, then hung her up and wrote that bloody message. I intentionally made it look like Genocide Jack was behind it. Is that about right? He's acting calm like before again... What's wrong? I asked you if you think that's what happened.

Mondo: Hell yes that's what happened! So that's it, right? Byakuya's the killer!

Genocide Jill: I don't disagree with not disagreeing!

Taka: He kept calling this a game, right? So he'd be totally willing to do something like this to "win"!

Y/N: ... 

There's something bothering me, though... I can see from Makoto's facial expression that the something is also bothering him...

Makoto: Um, sorry but could we hold on just a second? I... I think we need to talk about this a little more.

Hiro: Huh? Do we really need to? We've already decided who did it.

Makoto: I know, but still... There's something that's still bothering me...

Byakuya: Is that right? And what, pray tell, is still bothering you? I killed her in the girls locker room, then disguised my crime. Specifically, I dressed it up to make it look like it was the work of a homicidal psychopath. What about all that "bothers" you?

Makoto: You say you killed Chihiro in the girls locker room, right? But are you sure about that? Isn't it possible that the murder took place somewhere else

Byakuya: How disappointing... What kind of question is that? Even in the world of disappointments, this is a true letdown. She was found dead in the girls locker room. There is absolutely no question about that. How could the scene of the crime have been anywhere else?

Y/N: No, no, let him speak. Because I can already tell what he's hinting towards, and I agree with it.

Makoto: Well... I think it's entirely possible that she was killed somewhere else, then carried there later along with the rest of the murder scene!

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