An Old Friend.

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Okay, then... Well, it seems I have free time right now... I'll talk to someone then... He nodded to himself. Y/N was thinking about Zion or Makoto, but then he remembered the bet he made with Celeste and then realised he should be spending as much time as possible with her. Well, guess I'll talk to them another time... Y/N exited his room and then looked for Celeste, which wasn't hard to find since he was starting to understand where she'd be. He entered the dining hall, and there she was, on her own and sipping her milk tea. Not surprised. Taking a deep breath, he slowly walked over to her. Each step felt like a bad choice waiting to happen, but he was ready... 

"Well, if it isn't the C-Rank Y/N..." she said upon his arrival. I get the impression I've heard her say that before... "Is something the matter?" She knows for a fact that I'm spending time with her in order to get that B-Rank yet she acts like I came for another reason... He simply chose to smile at her. 

"I was wondering if we could have a conversation?" he asked, trying to be polite by looking into her red eyes which he found beautiful... and a bit scary. But to be fair, he felt like he could probably look into those eyes for an hour straight. He was willing to do that if he needed to, as well.

"Well then, what shall we talk about?" Y/N thought for a moment and then the answer to that question formed inside of his mind. He also noticed that she didn't remind him of her lack of affection for him on a personal level or whatever she said, so perhaps that meant something.

"How about you teach me how to play one of your favourite gambling games?" Y/N asked. 

"Any game can involve gambling, but I believe I can share with you my perfect gambling strategy," she answered, getting Y/N's interest. It wasn't entirely what he asked for, but learning about how she was so good was definitely something he'd like to hear. "Are you ready? Please pay attention. Whatever the game, you must have a mind for strategy. This will allow you increase your odds of winning. However, the exciting part about gambling is that there is a power which can overwhelm any strategy. That power is...luck."

"Luck..." Y/N quietly repeated under his breath. "Luck? That's the secret to it all?"

"There are only two types of luck—good and bad," she explained. There is no in-between. And that luck is built into every human at the moment of conception. Like a computer program. Some call it fate. The bottom line is, luck is life. Do you see what I am saying?"

"Yeah, I think I understand what you mean," he replied. "So we can only get one of those... it's either bad or good luck. Well, I definitely ended up getting bad luck."

"That is not certain," Celeste responded. "Only time will tell what your luck is like."

"On the topic of luck, do you reckon you can beat Makoto in a luck-based gambling game?" Y/N questioned. 

"Perhaps his luck exceeds my own," Celeste replied. "I would like to put that to the test one day."

"He's actually a really scary guy with his luck," said Y/N. "After all, the fact that his bathroom door didn't fit in the frame quite right was what ended up helping him prove his innocence in the class trial."

"Hm, that is true," Celeste replied, nodding a bit. "It would be quite bad for us if he murdered someone." Their conversation continued for some time, and Y/N definitely enjoyed it. He felt like he may have shared too many things with her, and had shown his vulnerability to her... "Your mask." She randomly said that and confused Y/N.

"My mask?" he repeated. "What about it?"

"Where did you get it?" Celeste asked as Y/N looked into her eyes. 

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