Motivation To Murder.

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*Ding Dong, Bing Bong.*

"Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!" The voice of Monokuma announced. Once again, a loud yawn echoed around the room and a boy awoke from his disturbed sleep. Y/N was grateful that it ended up happening, because if it didn't then things would have felt unusual. On the other hand, he felt the fear from his younger ages come back to him everytime he saw it, so he was quite mixed about it. Before leaving his room, Y/N took a deep breath and then closed his eyes, trying to capture the same reoccurring nightmare in his mind. 

He was surrounded by darkness, and standing on seemingly nothing. There was nothing behind him, left of him or to the right of him. However, in the distance in front of him, there was a blue light, the only light source there was. When he stared at it, the light was so mesmerising. He HAD to go to it, he NEEDED to. So he ran towards it. His run was in slow motion and it felt like an eternity worth of time would pass. As he would run, strange, glowing and outlined creatures would try and grab him. He was being slowed down but he would make it. He had to... More resilience... However, before he knew it, he was dragged by the monsters away from the light, as the voices would whisper around him. They weren't audible.

The dream would always end there, leaving him in a state of fear. Since the day he had the nightmare when he was young, it always came back every single night. Something was different, though. He had a good sleep once on the night of the first day, undisturbed by the nightmare. Why...? There was something else... Ever since he had the nightmares, there were... voices in his head. They would continuously tell him to do things, and always bring him down whenever he felt happy. They would always make him feel negative. The things they demanded that he did... They weren't pleasant to say the least, and he had no intention of sharing it with anyone else. He let out a long sigh and then sat on his bed in silence for a bit, before getting up and stretching. Y/N then left his room and headed straight to the dining hall. Today would be a bit different. Instead of just trying to find and grow closer to Celeste, he also wanted to take a look around the school himself. He opened the dining hall, where he saw Byakuya and Taka. 

"Good morning, Y/N!" Taka almost shouted at him. 

"Morning..." he mumbled, sitting on a nearby seat and just eating whatever was available. He ate rather hastily to make up time to search, and once he was finished eating, he rushed out of the dining hall to look around. However, he also made sure to grab his notepad and pen to write what he found out down just in case he forgot. The first area he'd check would be where the dormitories are. He firstly wrote down that the bathrooms in the girls' dormitories had locks and the boys' did not. Secondly, he wrote down that there were nameplates on everyone's dormitories which would tell you who that dormitory belonged to. Thirdly, he wrote down that water turns off when it's nighttime. After that, he did more exploring around the dormitories, obviously not entering any. Y/N closely analysed everything that was there, attempting to find anything someone could have missed. Unfortunately, there was nothing. He sighed, and then continued to explore the school. Surely there would be something everyone missed, right...?


*Ding Dong, Bing Bong.*

"Mm, ahem, this is a school announcement. It is now 10 p.m. As such, it is officially nighttime. Soon the doors to the dining hall will be locked, and entry at that point is strictly prohibited. Okay then...sweet dreams, everyone! Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite..." 

Y/N dropped to his bed face first with exhaustion. That whole day, he searched every single room, spending hours on it and even skipping lunch. Obviously, he made sure to eat more for dinner to make up for it. The worst part was that he didn't even find anything, meaning he wasted precious time that could have been used to grow closer to some of the ultimates. The futileness in searching showed him that there truly was nothing here that would help them escape. He would need to wait for the second floor to open up, and hopefully not waste all of his time searching aimlessly. At this rate, however, it'd be weeks until they escaped. He sighed, adjusted himself to lie down on his back, and dropped off to sleep. 

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