Am I The Villain?

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Well, there's nothing else I reckon I'll be able to do... Besides, I'm getting sort of bored after doing all of this exploration... I'll go back to the dining hall and just hope that everyone else found something I somehow missed... Yeah... I mean, there COULD be something in the girls' locker room- I'm just gonna go-

He shook his head repeatedly and then made his way over to the dining hall, doing his best to focus on something he'd been worrying about. Celeste is interesting to think about with all those rumours going around but there's something that's been bothering me... Of course, it isn't that unusual feeling but how she actually feels. She's hiding something, I know that much already. But what exactly is she hiding and why has she chosen to hide it? Her name? Her personality? There's something else I've been feeling recently... Guilt. Does she really have any other friends? I don't think she does, since she probably has a bad reputation... So why do I feel guilty? Well, I already know the answer. It's because I'm just... I'm technically using the so called friendship we have in order to gain something from her, and what does she get? Will she be emotionally hurt? Why do I care so much? What if I'm just the one being used for HER gain? No, those questions don't really matter... What matters is why I'm doing this. It's to figure out what she's hiding... That means that I've been using her this whole time. What's wrong with me? Why do I do these things, why am I LIKE this? I trick people and form a friendship with them, and then use their vulnerability to my advantage. Am I the villain? Is this what it's all about? Am I not using people to find out their secrets, but to use them for my own personal satisfaction? I can't... I... What's wrong with me?  With a saddened expression on his face which he simply refused to hide, Y/N opened the doors to the dining hall and sat in a chair, waiting. After an uneventful period of waiting, everyone had arrived at the dining hall, but there was not a single comment about his sad face. Well, he saw that out of all people, Celeste saw, which was what he deserved. The person trying to get someone vulnerable so that they'd reveal their secrets was caught looking vulnerable. That's ironic, isn't it? 

"Okay, ladies and gentlemen!" Taka announced. "How'd it go? Did anyone discover any interesting new anything!?"

"There's a library!" Hifumi stated. 

"And a pool!" Hina added with happiness. "A freakin' pool! And locker rooms filled with exercise equipment!"

"There was not, however, anything resembling an escape route," said Sakura sadly, bringing bad news to the others. 

"Yeah...she's right..." Makoto informed them. 

"We looked everywhere, but nothing," Walker told them. 

"Well hey, there's no reason to get all sulky! Wait till you hear about my amazing discovery! The  warehouse and bathhouse on the 1st floor of the dorms are now open! And the warehouse is chock-full of food, clothes, whatever you want. There's so much it's insane! So go ahead and stuff yourself to the gills whenever you feel like! Ha-ha-ha!" 

"Keep in mind, of course, that going out at nighttime is still prohibited," Celeste reminded them. "Please do not forget..."

"Okay, and what about a f__kin' way out of here? You find anything like that?" Mondo asked with visible irritation. 

"Oh, well...umm..."

"There wasn't anything in the warehouse we could use to get our asses outta here? Nothin'?" he asked. 

"U-Unfortunately, no...not that I saw..." Taka disappointedly answered. 

"You f__kin' people... Who gives a sh_t if we have a goddamn pool now!? Or a warehouse, or whatever the f__k! We're still trapped in this piece of sh_t school! We need to find a goddamn way OUT!" Mondo angrily yelled at them all.

Danganronpa - Male Reader InsertOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora