Bromance vs Romance!

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For the rest of that day, he spent it with Celeste. Zion was probably waiting elsewhere to find out what happened between them, but Y/N knew that Zion would understand. It was... refreshing, he thought, that he got to spend all of that time with her, and Y/N could tell that she enjoyed it too. Sure, there was a bit of... what you could call inexperience between them, since they weren't very good at relationships. Y/N also believed he heard a loud howl from what sounded like Taka, but that was most likely some sort of coping mechanism. Moving on from that, he even got to find out a bit more about Celeste! Even what her handwriting looked like...

Y/N: So, about the rankings... 

They were walking down a hallway to get to the rec room.

Y/N: What's my ranking now?

Celeste: I would say that you're A-Rank now.

Y/N: Heh, I did it!

Celeste: Oh, and you won the bet as well. 

Y/N: Double victory! 

She smiled at him and he smiled back to show his gratitude... that, or her smile's contagious.

Y/N: Forgot to say this earlier, but you didn't really answer my question. 

Celeste: Hmm?

Y/N: Y'know, your accent... Is it real or not? I don't really mind if it's not real, to be honest. If speaking that way makes you comfortable then I'm more than happy for you to keep it up. 

She paused for a moment, thinking about what he just said. Then she shook her head.

Celeste: Not now... Later... 

To Y/N, it seemed that she was strangely not ready to reveal her real voice to him, but he didn't mind. In fact, it would just make the reveal far better. 

Y/N: No need to worry, take as much time as you need. 

And with that, they played some games together in the rec room, with Celeste winning most of them. I'll have to practice these in order to satisfy her, I guess...

*Ding Dong, Bing Bong.*

Monokuma: Mm, ahem, this is a school announcement. It is now 10 p.m. As such, it is officially nighttime. Soon the doors to the dining hall will be locked, and entry at that point is strictly prohibited. Okay then...sweet dreams, everyone! Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite...

Y/N: Oh...! We should get going then... 

Celeste: A shame... It was quite fun. 

She held his hand, and he felt a bit relieved from it. Her touch is nice...

Celeste: Shall we go?

Y/N: Y-Yeah, sure...! 

He looked away from her as they walked together, hand in hand, to hide the blush appearing on his face. Well, couples do this, don't they? Yeah... Yeah, I shouldn't be embarrassed... Since his room was closer, they separated outside of his door, and Y/N smiled at her. 

Y/N: I'll see you in the morning. 

Celeste nodded at him and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving for her own room, something that made him a bit flustered before he entered his room. Well, today was very eventful! Y/N smiled to himself, and walked over to his bed, climbing on it and then closing his eyes. Hope... He didn't necessarily understand it yet, but he didn't think it could save him from the voices... 

He was running faster than ever. The blue light was getting closer and closer. He could make it...! He can make it! He WILL make it! It was so close...! He could feel the heat of the light on his face, and it was like he could see the light shining in his eyes...! Just a bit closer, just a bit further! JUST A BIT FURTH-

Danganronpa - Male Reader InsertHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin