The Fourth Floor...

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It was the next day, the morning after Zion's case. Although they had had a day to accept it, the thought of having so many friends dead in such a short time wasn't reassuring. Additionally, there was something else. Something unexpected. Something that even shocked Monokuma. Something... full of despair. Y/N was found dead in his own room, with a lot of wounds that must have meant he was pierced by multiple sharp weapons. It was Celeste who found him there... and she wasn't the same after it. They had initially thought there was going to be a class trial, but Monokuma said that there would be no class trial and hastily took the body away, leaving them all in confusion and doubt. Walker stared at the other people in the dining hall, which had severely reduced after the class trial. There was Makoto, Kyoko, Sakura, Hina, Hiro and Wyatt. Of course, Y/N was dead, and Celeste was remaining in her room, not coming out. 

Hina: So now there's only seven of us here...

Hiro: And it's such a small amount compared to the number of people we started off with...

Wyatt: This dining hall... the school... everywhere... it feels so empty now.

Walker: Not a surprise. The lacking of Zion's comments has definitely taken its toll on us. And with Y/N dead, I doubt there's anyone else who can really take that job. So many people have died...

Kyoko: Loneliness has become commonplace.

Sakura: That's true...

Makoto: ...

Makoto seemed to be deep in thought, but it was unknown to them what he could really be thinking about. It's a shame that the Analyst is gone and can't figure out what everyone is thinking...

Sakura: Makoto, are you okay?

Makoto: Ah--! N-No, I'm fine...!

Wyatt: Are you sure...?

Makoto: Y-Yeah, everything is fine!

Hina: Okay! In that case, let's eat till we pass out!

Hiro: Whaddya mean, "In that case"?

Hina: Well, cuz look how scary everyone looks! It's gotta be cuz you're all fighting on empty stomachs, right? If you fill your belly, I'm sure you'll all cheer up! So, let's eat! Let's fry up some fish and donuts and eat till we can't stand up!

Hiro: That's like a Deep Impact style, meteor impact, extinction level event combination of foods...

Hina: What!? Those are both breakfast time top sellers!

Kyoko: Still, the "till we can't stand up" part is a problem. After we're done, we need to go explore.

Sakura: That's right. Since the class trial is over, new areas should have opened up...

Kyoko: Plus, we still have Alter Ego. We don't have to give in to despair just yet.

Makoto: She's right... We have to plan ahead and think about the future!

Hina: Yeah, yeah! Think happy thoughts! Not deathy thoughts!

Hiro: Like when we're gonna get outta here, right? When this is all over... I think I wanna get reborn for serious. Er--I mean, reborn AS someone serious...

Hina: Hey, are you okay? That sounds like something someone who's about to die would say...

Wyatt: Don't tell me you plan on committing suicide! Are you not okay!?

Hiro: I'm totally okay! I'm not gonna die! Why? Cuz there aren't gonna be any more murders!

Hina: Huh? What makes you so sure...?

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