Y/N's Sleepwalking and The Second Floor.

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Y/N did not wake up due to the very next day to the sound of the morning announcement from Monokuma but rather the shaking from a classmate. He opened his eyes, and found himself inside of the dining hall. He groaned.

"Uughhh... The heck...?" he wearily asked, rubbing his eyes with his hands which just seemed to have made his vision more blurry. Covering his mouth with his hand, he let out a yawn and saw that his sight had finally come back to normal. What, or rather WHO, he saw made him gasp a little and caused a small blush to appear on his face. "O-Oh! H-Hey, Celeste! H-How- Wh-What's going on...? Why am I in here?" He added at the end past his embarrassment. 

"I do not know, I just found you here asleep," Celeste explained. "Has anyone ever told you of how you look when you sleep?"

"No, not really..." Y/N answered.

"You looked quite cute," she said. "But why were you asleep here?"

"I have no idea, but where are the others?" Y/N asked, his blush actually getting worse after that compliment on how he looked when he slept. 

"Either in or on their way to the gymnasium, Monokuma called us all to come," she added at the end after seeing Y/N's slight confusion. 

"O-Oh! Well, let's get going!" She nodded at him and they exited the dining hall, making their way to the gymnasium. I woke up in the dining hall... I definitely remember sleeping in my room and unless Monokuma decided not to punish me, there's a rule which disallows you to sleep anywhere except the dormitories. That must mean that the amount of time I spent there wasn't considered as me sleeping, right? But how'd I even get there in the first place — did Monokuma decide to mess with me and put me there? No, I don't think so... Hold on, do I sleepwalk? I'm quite sure that happens during the first few hours of sleep... And I did stay up quite late last night... Y/N stayed up late the previous night due to him working on his project. It would take a while but it'd be worth it, right? He'd work on it at night, and then work on ranking up with Celeste the rest of the day. While he did those two things, he would also try to figure out a way to find out Kyoko's Ultimate Talent. Soon enough, he and Celeste arrived at the gym, where they saw Taka "lifting his arms one, two, three, four" as Monokuma called it. In fact, the bear was standing on the stage, looking down at everyone else. 

"Now reach waaay up, and bend waaay down! Tighten those muscles! Let's add a little strength, a little speed to those young bodies of yours! Ahh, doesn't this feel just great!? Being stuck inside like this, you gotta make sure to stay healthy!"

"You're the o-one keeping us "stuck inside"..." Toko pointed out. 

"Don't sweat the small stuff! That's my motto. Whoa, I sounded pretty cool just now, don'tcha think? Did you fall in love with me? Am I just to die for? Am I just to die in writhing agony for?" I'd gladly die to one of your executions than fall in love with you and that cursed so called belly button you own. 

"So...why did you call us here?" Sakura asked. "Certainly it wasn't just to make us exercise..."

""Just" to make you exercise? JUST to make you exercise!? If exercise makes you laugh, exercise will make you cry! Now, if you keep doing these exercises, you will uncover the secret of the Assassin's Fist! Passed down from generation to generation in the empire of darkness... The power can be yours!"

"That sounds like the kind of junk a middle schooler would come up with..." Hifumi commented, the guy whose talent is writing fanfic. I don't need to say much more, do I?

"It doesn't matter!" Makoto half shouted. "Just get to the point. Did you really call us down here just to exercise?"

"Of course not! You think I have that kind of free time on my hands!?" 

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