The Subject.

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Perhaps Byakuya was just messing with them. Perhaps he had actually found something. Well, either way, they would have to find out, and it would be immediately clear which one it was. When Walker arrived at the dressing room, he found Toko there, who he wasn't pleased to be meeting. She was sitting there on the bench with the laptop in front of her.

Makoto: ...Toko. Did you decide to come hear what Alter Ego has, too?

Toko: I-I already heard it... with M-Master... With Master!

Wyatt: Don't be so creepy!

Walker: Agreed.

Hina: You don't have to keep saying 'master'... Anyway, so what are you doing right now?

Toko: Shut up. Stop b-bothering me.

Hiro: Get out of the way. We have to talk to Alter Ego.

Toko: N-No. I made Master a p-promise.

Sakura: A promise?

Toko: Master told me to w-wait here, so that's what I'm d-doing.

Hina: What are you, his dog!?

Toko: If it's wh-what Master wants, I'd do anything h-he asks.

Hiro: You just love being mistreated...

Toko: W-Well fine, if you really want me gone, by a-all means... Hachoo!

Walker: Wait, she can do that on command?

Genocide Jill: Hey guys! What's goin' on!? 

Hiro: Um... we'd like you to move.

Genocide Jill: Sure thing! Just kneel before me and beg!

Hiro: First a mega masochist, now a super sadist!

Makoto: Um, Toko...? Seriously, I'm asking you nicely to let us use the laptop.

Genocide Jill: Hm? HmmMMmMmmMmMMMmmMm~~? Didn't you hear what I said!? I told you to kneel and beg!

Hiro: Come on, Makoto! Give her the ol' one-two combo! One--drop to your knees! Two--beseech!

Makoto: Why are you acting like you're not part of this...?

It took him some time, but finally, he kneeled down in front of her, and he spoke...

Makoto: Please, I'm begging you... Will you please let us use the laptop?

Genocide Jill: Kyeeehahahaha! Such an ultra miraculous feeling of happiness! All my pent-up anger at Master for abusing me is evaporating!

Hina: So even you realise it's abuse...

Kyoko: That should be enough, right? Hurry up and let us talk to Alter Ego.

Toko: O-kaaaaaaay!

Makoto went forward and sat down on the bench, looking straight at the laptop.

Alter Ego: Everyone, come closer! I already told Byakuya, but... I was finally able to crack open all the files that were on this laptop! Sorry to have kept you all waiting!

Kyoko: Just what I thought...

Sakura: Finally... the time has come...

Hiro: Nng... I'm starting to get kinda nervous...

Walker noticed that Makoto's hands were shaking as they rested on the keyboard, which meant that he was nervous as well. 

Kyoko: Move.

It was such a simple word, such a simple command. However, the amount of power in it easily made Makoto move to let her take over.

Kyoko: Here we go...

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