The Never-Ending Phenomenons?

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It was done. It was over. The third execution, the third trial... swept away faster than they could react. It went by so quickly, yet all of the time the class trial took never felt like it. To Y/N, it felt like an entire lifetime since that fateful sleepover, which would end up being the reason why Zion died. Zion, someone who did genuinely care for him, was forced to murder to save him after  trying to make Y/N feel better and get his courage. Did Y/N really feel guilty, though? Well, of course he did. He was feeling a bit guilty, but he refused to show it. In fact, he refused to show anything anymore. He refused to listen to the voices. It was his fault, and he would have to live on with that burden. No more murder plans, that would make the sacrifice Zion did for him completely useless. No more. Hope... Despair... Who cares...? Hope allows people to be motivated to do something and follow what they believe is the path they should follow. Despair makes things more interesting, and tests people. That's how I see it, anyway. And if I had to pick, then I'd choose despair all the way. 

Monokuma: Isn't it just awful? Someone had to sacrifice their own life in order to save their friend, and what does that friend do in return? Nothing! In fact, he looks like he's completely lost! No hope! Jeez... And here I thought you guys were gonna pass the torch of hope to the next generation! 

Hiro: Wh-What do I care about hope!? I'll throw it in the trash if you just let me out of here!

Monokuma: You're all the embodiment of hope, whether you like it or not. And it's my destiny to knock you down one by one! It's sad, yes it is. But that reality just can't be avoided.

Makoto: Don't talk like you're not responsible... How long are you gonna make us keep going through this!? What do you want from us!?

Monokuma: God, I'm so sick of people asking me that! Give it a rest already!

Wyatt: You're a really messed up bear, you know that!?

Monokuma: Of course I do, you people don't shut up about it! ... So anyway... Y/N, did I see you get some kind of key-type object from Zion? So uh... what's the deal with that?

Y/N: You wanna go digging in the trash, bear?

Monokuma: Excuse me?

Y/N: You heard me. You wanna go digging in the trash, bear?

Monokuma: First of all, I'm not a bear! I'm Monokuma! And secondly, I saw that you got a second key from Zion, so don't try and avoid the question!

Kyoko: If you answer my question, then he'll answer yours. What did you do? What did you... do to me?

Y/N: Oh wow, thanks for asking for my permission to make that decision.

Monokuma: ...What are you talking about!?

Kyoko: Answer me. What did you do to my body?

Monokuma: Uwaaah! Oh man, oh jeez... Oh man, oh jeez! What do you mean, what did I... do!? I-I have no idea...! I don't know anything about it...!

Kyoko: ...

Y/N: Am I the only one who finds this awkward?

Monokuma: Okay, things are getting kinda awkward. I think it's about time I got out of here... Meanwhile, you guys can go on enjoying your school life. If you get lonely, gimme a shout! Not that I'll do anything about it, of course! Puhuhu... See ya!

And with that genuine message, the bear left most of them feeling depressed and in despair.  But... it wasn't all despair. There was still hope left, something that Monokuma seemed to not know about.

Makoto: Hey, Y/N. Monokuma already mentioned it, but... What's that key that Zion gave you?

Y/N: The key? What I reckon is that it's the key to one of the dressing room lockers.

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