Peeking Into The Third Motive And A Sleepover.

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before the chapter begins congratulations to ZetsunoBlack for commenting first :)


Makoto: M-Monokuma!

Monokuma: You guys all seem in remarkably good spirits. Did something happen!?

Makoto: N-No, nothing in particular...!

Monokuma: Ooh, keeping secrets? No fair! I demand an exclusive interview!

Y/N: No thanks.

Hifumi: Denied, denied, super denied!

Hina: Y-Yeah, just because you demand something, doesn't mean we have to do it!

Monokuma: Do it...? You mean, like, do it do it?

Hina: Wait, what? What do you mean, do it do it?

Monokuma: Ewww, gross! You said "do it"!

Hina: What!? You said it first!

Wyatt: What does "do it" even mean!?

Celeste: We were just talking about going to the bathhouse. We have not had a chance to relax in some time.

Monokuma: ...Huh?

Celeste: But unfortunately, the bathhouse is not divided into men and women sections. So we decided to do rock-paper-scissors to decide which group would go first. Hina won the match for us, and that is why we are all so pleased.

That was a rather quick lie... and smart.

Hina: Y-Yeah, that's right! Speaking of which... Okay, boys! Why don't you head on back to the dining hall or something? We're gonna take a nice, long bath! 

Hiro: Ahhh, jeez, what're ya gonna do, right!? We lost, fair and square!

Celeste: Well, ladies? Shall we go?

Without hesitation, she had successfully lied to Monokuma, and her face showed no signs of her lying. Y/N was both impressed, but also concerned that her skills in lying could even get past him from time to time. So, she and the girls headed back into the dressing room, leaving the boys there. 

Hifumi: U-Umm... Nuts and dammit! We totally lost! Another day without getting to take my very first bath here!

Hiro: Y-Yeah, but... tomorrow for sure! You'll definitely get that bath tomorrow!

Y/N: And next time, we should leave it to Makoto, since he's the goddamn lucky student! Why'd I let you people choose who to play?

Makoto: Okay, so... should we head back to the dining hall now?

Zion: Walker and Wyatt have already left. 

Monokuma: Hooooold on! Something's strange here... VERY strange!

Hm? Does he know? There's no way he could have found out, unless he was able to see something that pointed to Celeste lying...? 

Makoto: Strange? What do you mean?

Monokuma: What's strange is, this is the perfect chance for you to sneak a peek!

Makoto: ...Huh?

Y/N: ...Excuse me?

Hifumi: Ng-gh-gh! Th-That's...! You're absolutely right!

Zion: What the heck is wrong with you? There's no way we're going to be doing that!

Hiro: I thought you were all about the 2D...

Monokuma: All of you need to shut up, sit down, and listen to what I have to say... An opportunity like this doesn't come along very often... It's the ideal setting of a man's fantasy!

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