The First Murder.

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*Ding Dong, Bing Bong.* 

"Mm, ahem, this is a school announcement. It is now 10 p.m. As such, it is officially nighttime. Soon the doors to the dining hall will be locked, and entry at that point is strictly prohibited. Okay then...sweet dreams, everyone! Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite..." 

"Crap," Y/N muttered. "Where did all the time go...?" Y/N was in the A/V room for hours, analysing every last second of that DVD he was given. People did come along and ask what he was up to but he'd just reply with "Checking. Move along." and continue with his analysing. He was quite sure the video was fake; it had to be. But upon analysing every last second of it, he came to realise that everything his family were doing... It was exactly how they would've acted like if it was a real recording. So was it real? He was unsure. Now that Monokuma had announced it was nighttime, he decided to call it a day. Two whole days without much interactions with Celeste – he kept getting off track from one of his main goals. It didn't matter... Tomorrow, he would spend more time with her and try to figure out what Celeste and the others saw. Did everyone see the same thing? Their families congratulating them and then the video suddenly shifting to the room empty and wrecked? That was something important which he had to figure out. Y/N sighed, and got out of his chair, exiting the A/V room and looking at the dormitories. However, he saw something... strange. He saw Makoto exit his room, and instead of going to another room like the laundry room, he went into another person's dormitory and close the door behind him. Is someone in trouble? Is Makoto planning on murdering the person in that room? His curiosity got the better of him and he jogged over to the room Makoto had entered. It was... Sayaka's room...? For a moment, he thought about trying to confront Makoto about it but then he realised that if Makoto killed Sayaka then he'd get what he was finally waiting for; the first murder that wouldn't be caused by him. A smile appeared on his face, and he headed to his room, wondering if his guess was correct. Well, it's either that or they're doing the special bedtime magic. He preferred the murder scenario. Y/N went to his bed and laid down on it, closing his eyes and dropping off to sleep...

The blue light was shining brighter than ever... The run had started in slow motion, his foot making a satisfying *TAP* whenever it collided with the invisible ground. After some running, he felt himself muttering, "Just a bit further, just a bit further..." He would begin to chant this like it motivated him to keep going, and then some time after that, the monsters began to drag him back. He fought on, trying to get away... trying to get to the blue light... "JUST A BIT FURTHER!" It was too late. He had failed. The monsters pulled him back, and he couldn't do anything to resist...

*Ding Dong, Bing Bong.* 

"Good morning, everyone! It is now 7 a.m. and nighttime is officially over! Time to rise and shine! Get ready to greet another beee-yutiful day!" Y/N let out a long yawn and stretched. He wanted to stay in bed a bit longer, but then he realised that he agreed to eat breakfast with everyone else. So, reluctantly, Y/N left his room, and entered the dining hall, where there were some people already inside. He seemed to have shown up the same time as Makoto. I wonder if Sayaka is dead...

"Hello, Makoto, Y/N, and good morning! Can you believe it? I was the very first one here this morning!" Taka stated happily. He's in a great mood today, so that's a good thing, I suppose. 

"Ehehe...good morning," Chihiro greeted them. 

"Mornin'!" Hina responded.

"I suppose I'm early..." Sakura quietly said while crossing her arms. There was a smile on her face, though. Y'know... For some high-schoolers who have probably seen some disturbing stuff, they're all surprisingly happy. 

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