Awakening... Like A Lot.

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Y/N opened his eyes, feeling a bit of comfort. As he blinked multiple times to try and get his blurry vision to adapt to his surroundings, he took a moment to remember what happened. But he found himself struggling to think straight, and this just confused him. He took a deep breath... and realised that his breathing was slower than usual. Just as he realised this, his vision finally came back, so he could see around where he was. He was in a bed... A dorm room. ...But this wasn't his room. 

Y/N: In no world is this my room... I don't have a coffin in my room...

He was right — there seemed to be some sort of ornamental coffin. Not only that but there was a black lace tablecloth, and a candelabra. He noticed the tea sets on display, along with a crown and a victrola. Y/N already knew who this room belonged to... A large case of beauty products and sewing supplies, and two outfits on mannequins? A gothic lolita themed cat plushie? Well, that's kind of odd, but this room definitely belongs to Taeko... Huh, even the bed is black. Looks pretty nice from this angle, and very comfort- Oh, hold on... He soon came to a sudden realisation that he was in someone else's bed. Unfortunately, this didn't affect his slow breathing, because it was still slow even though he would be breathing faster in this situation normally. He tried to move to get off of the bed, but his body refused to move. Y/N paused for a moment before trying to do it a leg at a time. Still, his leg refused to move, so by the looks of it, he was stuck here. Well, I just came back from the dead after being in a cold 'coma' so I'm not surprised I'm having difficulty doing stuff. Just hope I don't have frostbite or hypothermia or whatever... Then, he heard the sound of the door being unlocked and opened. It sort of surprised him, seeing as there wasn't much noises in the room. Only silence combined with his slow breathing. Mostly silence. Y/N listened to the footsteps and Taeko came into view, holding a plate with what looked like food on it. He saw a smile on her face, and felt what he thought was a smile on his. She isn't dead... He watched her place the plate on a nearby table and look at him.

Y/N: Taeko...

But then she burst into tears and he felt two arms wrap around him. Jeez...! ...She's crying? Why? She doesn't act like this...

Y/N: Taeko, don't cry... 

What made this even more awkward was his lacking of the ability to actually move his limbs so it wasn't like he could even hug her back. Y/N could feel a few tears pour onto him, but he was completely fine with that. He didn't know why she was so sad, but if this would make her feel better then he was willing to be cried on. So he was just laying there (not like he had a choice anyway) and listened to her sobs, muttering a few words to try and cheer her up. And after a few minutes of this, she finally broke away from him, and she smiled. Well, that was fast. Normally this would go on for another couple of chap- Oh wait, can't say that and break the wall.

Y/N: Taeko, what happened? I noticed that you weren't in the dining hall before I fainted and you're feeling so sad right now. Did you really care about me that much? 

She looked to the side before silently nodding. 

Y/N: Then... you can be happy again, can't you? I'm back now, and I don't plan on going anywhere. 

Taeko: But how are you alive...? I thought you were... I found you...

But it seemed she couldn't finish that sentence. 

Y/N: I don't get it myself either, but it doesn't matter... I'm never going to die again, and you can rest assured about that!

Taeko picked up the plate from the table and walked back over to him, kneeling down a bit and then using a fork to pick up a piece of food. She brought it to his mouth, which he saw as his signal to eat it. Oh my god, this is so embarrassing... A bit reluctantly, Y/N opened his mouth and bit on the food, chewing and then swallowing it. There was a bit of a lump in his throat, and that made it harder to eat, but that would not compare to the embarrassment she must be feeling. 

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