Connor RK800 [☁️]

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A/N: Please send in requests as we need more ideas of things to write, if you don't feel comfortable posting a request in the comments, don't be afraid to dm your request to us here or anonymously on tumblr. (Anything we post here gets posted onto our Tumblr and the other way around)

Y/N's POV:

I was in the kitchen making something to eat. I heard the front door close as I was about to throw the extras away "Hey Love, What did you grab?" I turn around to look at my boyfriend, noticing his empty hands and his head down "Connor? Are you alright" I walk towards him as he mutters "I'm fine, there's no need to worry" I rest my hands on his cold face and pull his to meet mine, I frown once I see the exposed metal and thirium on his cheek.

"Hun, who did this to you?" "Just some protesters on the street, I assure you I'm alright" he slightly smiles. I shake my head, it's been a few months since the revolution and it seems people still can't get over androids having the same rights as us. Seeing more and more reports of destroyed androids really angers me, why can't people just let them live in peace. "We should go get you repaired Connor" I wipe my thumb across his bleeding cheek "Agreed" He replies. "Uh, sorry about the groceries, they got destroyed while I was getting attacked." "I don't care about the groceries Connor, All that matters is that you're okay" I smile as I kiss his forehead. "How about we go get you cleaned up?" Connor nods in response, making his way to the door.


Connor's POV:

It was about 8pm once they let me out, I ran a few tests as to make sure that everything had been taken care of and left to find Y/N. I walked out of the office and saw Y/N sitting down reading one of the latest editions of 'Gossips Weekly'. I smile and make my way over to him. "Hey love, everything working just fine?" "Yes, I am in optimal condition" Y/N chuckles as he gets up, he pulls me into him and holds me tight in his arms "I love you Connor" He whispers into my ear. "I love you too Y/N"

336 Words - Owner 1

A/N: If you do choose to send us a request on here, please keep it on the requests page so we can keep things neat.

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