Tony Stark [ Top Priority 💛🥀☁️ ]

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A/N: Thank you so much RobertToro3 for this request! I surprisingly really enjoyed writing this. It's been about a year since I've watched the Marvel movies so my memory is pretty rusty, please let me know if I've mixed anything up and I'll give it a quick fix. Also, I'm not from America so I'm not sure with their states/cities so please point out any mistakes I might've made. Thank you guys so much for 30k Reads! Holy shit! and 800+ Votes, we really really appreciate your support!

Dad!Tony Stark x Son!Male Reader

Y/N's POV:

Things used to be good between my dad and I, but ever since Peter had shown up, all his attention had stuck on him. It wasn't all too noticeable at first, we would still hang out when he was free, spending our Saturday nights watching movies together.

Though it only took a few weeks for him to start to brush me off more. Similar excuses each time he rescheduled our weekly plans. "I have improvements to add to Peter's suit." "I've got work to finish with Peter." "Peter needs help getting used to the suit." Peter this, Peter that.

It was like Peter was his son and not me. Just like that, I was thrown into the background, a minor thought in the back of his mind, it was like he no longer cared for me.


We had a recital coming up really soon, one I had expressed my excitement to my dad before for. He used to be so proud, so ecstatic to eventually see me up on stage. I hoped this would be the push he needed to give me the attention I had so easily and so quickly lost.

Dad was downstairs in his workshop, that's where he usually was, always working on something new to dazzle the public with. I slowly open the glass door, stepping in as he speaks up. "Peter, you're finally here. Here, try this-" He turns around, a metal plate in his hand as he props it towards me.

"Oh Y/N. Sorry about that, what do you need?" He turns back around, placing the metal back down, keeping his attention on his creation. I silently sigh as I walk over to him, taking the folded poster out of my pocket. I hand the piece of paper to him, his eyebrows raised in confusion before reading through it.

"The recitals in a couple days, I know how excited you were to come see me, and I'd love for you to be there" He smiles, stuffing the paper into his shirt pocket. "Of course I'll be there. Wouldn't miss it for the world, kid." I can't help the smile that grows on my face, "Thanks dad. You don't know how much this means to me."

Dad sent a smile back my way before I swiftly left his workshop, excitedly practising my songs in my room for the upcoming day.


The day I had longed for had finally arrived. It was around 6:30pm and I was currently backstage, I was going up on stage in only half an hour. I had been practising the whole year for this recital and I was determined to perfectly execute it. I couldn't wait for dad to see the progress I had made.

Some time had passed, the curtains would open in 5 minutes, parents and friends of the people performing with me had started to fill the seats. I looked out from the slight gap in the curtains, hoping to see my dad amongst the growing crowd.

My eyes darted across the plethora of seats, filled with unfamiliar faces. I deflate as I can't find him, hoping, praying he was just running late.

We got into our places behind the curtains, a countdown being played in our headsets before the curtains swung open. I noticed my friends looking around for the people they invited, their faces lighting up when they did. I followed suit, taking another quick look over the crowd, never finding my dad though.

Male Characters x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now