The Quarry Boys [Reacting to you being attacked by a werewolf🥀🗒️]

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A/N: Hey Everyone, sorry for the lack of posting, we both took a little break from writing. Hopefully we'll be able to get some more fics out soon!

This was requested over on our tumblr!

Please be aware that this fic will contain mentions of violence and gore, so please be careful!

Ryan Erzahler:

He shouldn't have let you come with him and Laura, you weren't already infected like she was and neither had the desire to save Chris.But no matter how he felt you persisted that you go with him.You wanted to make sure he wouldn't get harmed.That brings us to now, Ryan's been infected and you were on the hunt for Chris.The three of you walked into a dark room, you stopping near the door with Ryan "How are you feeling?" You hold him up."I've been better." He muttered.Laura moved into the middle of the room "I think we found Chris." she looked into the darkness.You and Ryan follow Laura, seeing a werewolf Chris tied up to a pole.Ryan was about to speak when Chris charged at us, breaking through the floor.Chris was on top of you trying to maul you while Laura had just begun to transform.Ryan ducked for the table, quickly grabbing the gun.Laura jumped towards Travis, attempting to attack him.Ryan looked over to the now werewolf Laura until he heard a blood-curdling scream. He whipped his head over to you, watching as your organs were ripped out of your torso.He yelled as he lifted the gun, shooting Chris.He watched as his manager dropped to the ground.Laura had turned back and begun to thank Travis for sparing her while Ryan just dropped.He held his now-dead lover in his shaking arms."I'm so sorry.." He muttered through broken sobs. "I shouldn't have let you come."


Dylan Lenivy:

Ryan and Laura had just left for the Hackett house and Kaitlyn, Dylan, Abi and I had gone out to check if we could leave with the van.The four of us made it to the van and Kaitlyn decided that Abi should hide in the bunker.As she was walking down, the rest of us walked towards the van."I don't know if it's just me, but the van looks like it's moving?" Dylan points out."You're right." Kaitlyn lifts the gun "Open the door." she nudges you.You cautiously walk over to the van, ghosting your hand over the handle, you look towards Kaitlyn as she nods your way.You start to push down the handle when the door aggressively opens from the inside, throwing you far into the dirt.You rush back to try and get behind Kaitlyn as the werewolf jumps towards you. You turn around, face to face with the werewolf as you yell for Kaitlyn."SHOOT IT!" Dylan yells.Kaitlyn shakes as she tries to fix her aim onto the werewolf.You cry out as its sharp teeth tear into you, ripping through your limbs."SHOOT IT KAITLYN!" Dylan screams before it tears into your torso, clawing out your organs.Kaitlyn shoots the werewolf, a shivering screech being heard before it jumps and runs off into the woods.Dylan can't help but stare at your now lifeless and dismembered body. His heart dropping and his eyes watering at the sight.He mutters a mantra of 'No' and 'Please' as he drops down beside your mutilated corpse.


Jacob Custos:

(Maybe a bit too inspired by his interaction with Emma but that's alright)

You were walking around an unfamiliar part of the forest you had run into trying to shake off the werewolf on your tail.You look around hoping to find someone or something to help you find somewhere safe to camp the night out.It took a while but you eventually found a figure that looked human.You ran to the figure, noticing it was Jacob upon getting closer.He turns your way as you call out his name, remaining still as you hold onto him."You're alive!" You exclaim, pulling away to look at him. Your hand resting on his cold cheek."No, I'm not?" He responds dryly. He pulls away, "I'm- I'm nothing..""What do you-" "Stop it!"You take a step back as Jacob starts hysterically cry-laughing, words becoming incoherent.His voice lowers and words start sounding more inhuman. You watch in horror as your boyfriend's body bursts into blood, the familiar look of a werewolf now charging your way.You scream as your body's mauled by the man you loved. All noise stops as the sharp teeth rip into your neck, throwing your head off to the side. The sun rises and waking back up in his own body, Jacob sees the bleeding head of his lover, glancing at the torn corpse beside it.He falls down beside you, moving to rest his head on your chest, tears falling down his cheeks as he whispers apologies to your deaf ears.


Nick Furcillo:

You and Emma never got along but you never thought she would stoop this low.Everyone knew that you and Nick had something going on, even if the two of you never outwardly said it.You shake your head, maybe you were overreacting a bit.You lift your gaze, cursing as you realize you have no idea where you are.You turn around, trying to retrace your steps before you hear a faint voice calling out your name.You smile as you recognize the Aussie's unmistakable voice."Over here!" You call back. He pants as he stops in front of you."Sorry, got a little too serious for me." You look off to the sky."Yeah, I understand." He shoots a half smile, moving closer to you.You look his way at the sound of the steps.Your faces now inches apart and eyes locked together.You both move closer before-"HGGRRR"Your heads turn, now being faced with a terrifying humanoid figure. "RUN!" You hear Nick yell before sprinting in the opposite direction of the beast.You stand for a second before your legs find the strength to run.You start turning and twisting through trees to try and trick it, somehow catching it off guard a couple times.You drop down behind a rock, trying to hold your breath as you hear the ragged breathing and scratchy growls approach. Your head feels airy and your lungs feel like they're going to explode, you can't hold it any longer.Tears start falling down your cheeks as you attempt to silently let your breath out, failing as you choke on the collected saliva in your mouth.You hear a screech before it starts crawling towards you. You stumble on your feet before eventually pulling yourself up and running towards Nick.You were so close.Your body hits the ground as it jumps on your back, it's clawed hands slamming your head into the dirt. "Y/N!" Nick screams, running towards you as the beast rips into your body.The beast leaps onto him biting a chunk out of his leg before the sound of a gunshot echoed into his ears. He watched as it ran away, quickly glancing at your unmoving body before pushing himself backwards and wobbly running to the campfire.Tears flowing as he collapses in front of the other counselors."Nick?! What hap-" "Y/N!" He frantically bawls. "I- He's- Help him!" His choked out sobs becoming incoherent.


A/N: Sorry if the pacing is weird or if it doesn't flow that well, I wrote these half-asleep.

1195 Words (Holy shit)

- Written by Owner 1

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