049. amnesia

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After getting a call from Sam after looking for him for hours, Dean and Natalie finally get to where he called them from. They rush into the motel and quickly walk down the hallway to the correct door.

"Sam, it's us." Dean knocks. "Sam!"

Natalie turns the knob, finding the door open, and she rushes in, beelining to her twin who sits on one of the beds.

"Sammy?" She gently asks, placing a hand on his arm gently.

"Sam? Hey." Dean kneels next to him.

"Hey." Sam mumbles.

"Are you bleeding?" Dean asks.

"I tried to wash it off." Sam says as his siblings notice his shirt covered in blood.

"Oh, my God." Dean mumbles, feeling around for a wound.

"I don't think it's my blood." Sam says.

"Whose is it?" Dean asks.

"I don't know." Sam says.

"Sam, what the hell happened?" Dean asks.

"Dean. I don't remember anything." Sam states.

~ ~ ~

Natalie waits on one of the motel beds while Sam showers and changes. Dean went out to try to get information and also get food, leaving the twins alone. Natalie looks over as the bathroom door opens and Sam walks out.

"Hey. You feel better? You know, physically, anyway?" Natalie asks.

"I guess." Sam mutters.

"Sammy, don't worry. We'll figure it out. We'll figure out whatever this is, whatever's happening. You're gonna be okay." Natalie assures.

The door opens before Sam can respond, not that he was going to.

"What's you find out?" Sam asks.

"You checked in two days ago under the name Richard Sambora. Of course, I think the scariest part about this whole thing is the fact that you're a Bon Jovi fan." Dean says.

"Dean." The twins chorus, giving him a look.

"Your room's been quiet, nobody's noticed anything unusual." Dean says.

"You mean no one saw me walking around covered in blood?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. That's what I mean." Dean says.

"Then how the hell did I get here? What happened to me?" Sam asks.

"I don't know. But you're-- you're okay, and that's what matters. Everything else we can deal with."

"Oh, really? Cause what if I hurt someone? Or worse?"


"What if this is what dad warned you about?"

"God, you are not a monster, Sam." Natalie tells him.

"Let's not jump the gun here. We don't know what happened." Dean says. "We've just got to treat this like-like any other job. What's the last thing you remember?"

"Just us in that motel room in west Texas. Going out to grab some burgers and--"

"West Texas?" Dean asks, him and Natalie sharing a look. "That was-- that was over a week ago."

"That's it." Sam says. "Next thing I knew I was sitting here. Bloody. Felt like I'd been asleep for a month."

"Okay. Retrace your steps. The manager said you left yesterday afternoon and he never saw you come back, so..." Dean pulls the curtain back and sees a bloody fingerprint on the windowsill. "Hey." He calls, the twins walking over and also seeing it.

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