085. the ghost life

813 19 5

The siblings are at a diner and the twins are sitting at the table, Sam on his laptop and Natalie eating some fries. Dean tries to use the jukebox, but it doesn't work, so he sits back down next to Natalie.

"No, no, no, you're right, it's definitely weird." Sam says into his phone. "Okay, Bobby, thanks." He hangs up.

"What's up?" Dean asks.

"Bobby found something in Wyoming." Sam says.

"A job?" Dean asks.

"Maybe. Small town, no one's died in the past week and a half."

"That so unusual?"

"Well, it's how they're not dying. One guy with terminal cancer strolls right out of the hospice. Another guy gets capped by a mugger and walks away without a scratch."

"Capped in the ass?"

"Police say Mr. Jenkins was shot in the heart at point blank range by a nine-millimeter."

"There's no way he wouldn't be dead." Natalie says.

"Yeah." Sam says. "Locals are saying it's a miracle."

"Okay." Dean says.

"It's got to be something nasty, right? I mean, people making deals or something." Sam says.

"You think?" Dean asks.

"What else would it be?"

"I don't know."

"All right." Sam puts his laptop up. "Get that to go." He motions to Dean's burger as he stands up. Dean doesn't move. "Come on." Sam urges, putting his bag over his shoulder and Dean still sits while Natalie stands up.

"What?" Sam asks.

"Sure you want me going with you?" Dean asks.

"Why wouldn't I?" Sam asks.

"I don't want to be holding you back or nothing." Dean says.

Natalie quietly sighs, knowing this would be a problem. She spent a week with Jacob after he called about needing help on a case. She was away from her brothers for that week while they hunted a siren which infected both of them and made them fight each other.

"Dude, I've told you a hundred times, that was the siren talking, not me." Sam says. "Can we get past this?"

"Yeah, we're past it." Dean puts his burger down.


"Now, you two said you were bloggers?" Jim asks as they're at his house and sitting at the dining table. His wife and daughter are in the other room.

"Yes, sir. FlooredbytheLord.com." Sam says.

"All of God's glory fit to blog." Dean grins.

"Um... some of the people around town are saying what happened to you was a miracle." Sam says.

"It was. Plain as day." Jim says.

"How can you be so sure?" Sam asks.

"How else do you explain it? The doctors can't." Jim says. "There's a bullet in my heart, and it's pumping like a piston."

"Well, how do you explain that?" Dean asks. Jim hesitates, glancing over at where his daughter is.

"Look, honestly... I was nobody's saint -- not exactly father of the year, either." He says, keeping his voice quiet.

"Okay." Dean says.

"But when that guy shot me and I didn't bleed a drop? I just knew the Lord was giving me a second chance." Jim says.

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