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I killed them. I killed them because I trusted her. I killed them because I told Bianca everything. She was my best friend. She had told me she didn't know about the mafia. But in reality, she belonged to one. She belonged to the Nicoli clan and I told her everything.

Everyone is dead because of me.

The Silvestri house is on fire and I am the only one not in it because father told Lorenzo to get me out. He saw the fire start and the first thing he did was give me to Lorenzo. He sent me away while he went to find mother but they didn't make it out. I want to die with them, I have to die with them. I want to be in there with them, but I am not strong enough to fight Lorenzo.

The fire is growing, engulfing the building like it did all our warehouses and storage facilities. Everything my family built is gone...

They will die.

They will pay.

They will burn.

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